
Gospel Pilgrim Decedents has a comprehensive list of men, women, and children interred in the cemetery. Using grave markers, obituaries, and death certificates, we have complied a list of individuals buried within the cemetery and, to the extent possible with archival silences, developed short biographies of each persons' life. Some decedents have marked graves, while others do not.

In part, this data is based on an early 2000s GIS survey of the cemetery, which was completed by David Berle, Gail Tarver, Taylor Ladd from the University of Georgia's Horticulture Department. The Athens-Clarke County Death Certificate data was, likewise, transcribed by Leah Richier, an graduate alumni of the University of Georgia's Department of History.

Last Name First Name Gendersort ascending Race Status Occupation DOB DOD Age Grave Location Grave Marker Biography
Young Agnes Female African American Enslaved Laundress December 31, 1836 December 31, 1897 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Agnes “Aggie” Crawford Young was born in March 1837. In 1870, she was “keeping house.” She was married James Young in 1864 and they had at least six children: Edward, John, Minnie (Davis), Maria, James, and Young. As a widow in 1880, she lived at the corner of Foundry Street and Connecticut Street and worked as a “Washer & Ironer.” According to the 1889 City Directory, she lived at 438 Bridge Street and worked as a laundress. At he died from unknown causes on January 10, 1898. After her death, she bequeathed her possessions to her daughter, Minnie Davis.
Jones Mamie Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1885 December 31, 1970 85 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mamie Howell Jones was born on March 11, 1886. She married William Brown Jones and the couple had at least three children: Arthur, Thomas, and Clifford. In 1910, the family lived in Stone Mountain, Georgia. In 1940, she worked in “laundry” and they lived at 1063 W Hancock Avenue. According to the 1956 City Directory, she and her husband lived at 1063 W Hancock Avenue. She died from unknown causes on July 19, 1971.
Brown [Susie?] Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1883 December 31, 1936 53 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Susian Mcintosh and Robert L. Jones, Susie C. Jones Brown was born around 1884 in Oconee County. She worked as laundress during the 1910s and 1920s. She married J. Wilson Brown, a grocery store merchant, and the couple had at least five children: Georgia, Mamie, Caleb, Lila, and Susie. After the death of her husband, she lived at 1353 W Hancock Avenue and worked as a domestic. At 53 years old, she died from apoplexy on December 13, 1937.
Bunkley Lula Female African American Free December 31, 1925 54 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Greene Ellen Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1892 December 31, 1976 79 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ellen F. Greene was born around December 1, 1893. In 1910, she attended school and lived on Foundry Street. She graduated from college and moved to Nashville to take a deanship at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. After leaving Athens, she instructed Leo Barnett, an Athens-area resident known for performing cemetery maintenance, “to keep the family plot cleaned and maintained.” In 1977, Ellen died in Nashville. She was interred, in Athens, near her mother, Salemma, and two brothers: Marcus and Augustus, a Sergeant Major who had preceded her in death in 1941.
Logan Fanie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1925 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Louise Female African American Free December 31, 1961 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Louise Johnson died from unknown causes in September 1962. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Watson Victoria Female African American Free December 31, 1973 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Victoria Watson, who resided at 175 Glenhaven Avenue, died from unknown causes in October 1974. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Williams Susie Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1899 December 31, 1919 19 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Reid Laura Female African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1893 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Laura Ella Reid was born on August 14, 1893 and died on July 30, 1894. She was 11 months old. In 1897, her father lived at 431 Bridge Street; this is most likely her last known address.
Holmes Mattie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
[??] Barbara Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Barbara [M??] [??] is believed to be buried in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery. Little is known about her life.
Redding Bertha Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1919 17 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Brown Grapell Female African American Free December 31, 1933 December 31, 1935 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Ola Mae and Caleb L. Brown, Grapell O. Brown was born in 1934. The family lived at 1353 W Hancock Avenue. She died from influenza on January 6, 1936, when she was just 2 years and 4 months old.
Burnes Mamie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1926 37 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Julia Female African American Unknown December 31, 1939 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Julie E. Smith died on July 11, 1940. She is buried alongside Winnie Moore.
Howell Lamar Female African American Free December 31, 1967 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mrs. Leonard Howell, who resided in Atlanta, died from unknown causes in February 1968. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Johnson Ethal Female African American Free December 31, 1975 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Ethel Johnson, who resided at 151 Lyndon Avenue, died from unknown causes in August 1976. She was married to James Johnson and they had at least one child, Blanche Johnson Jones. The funeral was handled by Hurley’s Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Stroud Harriet Female African American Enslaved Housework December 31, 1920 90 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Neely Helen Female African American Free December 31, 1898 December 31, 1963 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Helen B. Neely was born on September 10, 1899 and died on March 26, 1964. She was 65 years old.
Cole Victoria Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1878 December 31, 1960 82 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Victoria J. Cole was born in 1879. She married Lucius C. Cole, a university janitor, and worked as a laundress. In 1930, the couple lived at 169 Newton Street. According to the 1958 City Directory, she lived at 160 Hendrix Street. At 82 years old, she died from unknown causes on August 22, 1961. She was 82 years old.
Gant Ellen Female African American Enslaved Farmer December 31, 1919 110 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Miller Lucy Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1922 52 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Banks Jessie Female African American Free December 31, 1912 December 31, 1961 49 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Jessie Mae Banks was born in 1913 and died in 1962. She is not listed in the city directories during the 1950s, so her address remains unknown.
Moore Agnes Female African American Free Student December 31, 1910 December 31, 1927 17 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Lola and Fenrie Moore, Agnes Moore was born on June 7, 1911. In 1920, she attended school and lived with her parents at 280 Athens Avenue. Hermother still liked at that address in 1928 and she most likely lived there as well. At 17 years old, she died peritonitis on March 24, 1928.
Whitield Mittie Female African American Free December 31, 1961 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mittie Whitfield, who resided at 495 Reese Street, died from unknown causes in December 1962. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Houston Florence Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1920 21 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jane Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Jane is believed to be buried in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery. Little is known about her life.
Jones Vinnie Female African American Enslaved December 31, 1824 December 31, 1886 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Vinnie Jones was born around December 25, 1825 and most likely spent her early life enslaved. She married Willis A. Jones, a carpenter and reverend, and, in 1880, the couple lived on Broad Street. She died from unknown causes on November 7, 1887.
Carter Lillie Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1919 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Greene Salemma Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1869 December 31, 1948 79 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Salemma Greene was born sometime between 1870 and 1873. She may have married Iyah Stroud. In 1910, she was widowed and living with her mother-in-law, Harriett Stroud, and three children—Ellen, Augustus, and Marcus—at 634 Foundry Street. As a widow in 1940, she worked as a Personal Companion and owned a home at 380 Lyndon Avenue. She died from unknown causes on December 21, 1949. After her death, her daughter Ellen Greene, made sure “ the family plot [was] cleaned and maintained.”
Lumpkin Rosa Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1918 52 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Sullivan Mary Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1919 46 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Cole Mary Female African American Unknown Laundress December 31, 1859 December 31, 1942 83 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mary Camilla Cole was born sometime between 1850 and 1870; it is unknown is she was born free or enslaved.. She married William Cole and gave birth to nine children. In 1910, only two of her children, Hansel Cole and an unnamed child, were living. In 1910, the family lived on John Street in Athens. According to the 1942 City Directory, she worked as a laundress and lived at 320 Cleveland Avenue. She died from unknown causes on February 15, 1943.
Garfield Carrie Female African American Enslaved Housewife December 31, 1924 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Moore Winnie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1878 December 31, 1935 57 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Ann and Ben King, Winnie King Moore was born around 1879. She married Augustus Moore, a lunmber yard worker, and the couple had at least one living child: Cassie. In 1920, she did not work and lived her husband on Cleveland Avenue. She died from [chronic interstitial nephritis?], paralysis, and hypertension on December 3, 1936. At the time of her death, she worked as a domestic and lived at 199 Cleveland Avenue.
Wilcox Dora Female African American Free December 31, 1970 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Dora Sapp Wilcox, who resided at 550 W Hancock Avenue, died from unknown causes in February 1974. The funeral was handled by Mutual Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Wingfield Bertha Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1920 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Reid Laura Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1866 December 31, 1928 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Alfred Richardson, Laura E. Reid was born around 1867. On October 5, 1884, she married Lorenzo W. Reid, a barber, and the couple had at least ten children: Beulah, L. W., Charlie, Addie, Fannie, Louisa, Ruth, Etta, Mattiline, and Laura Ella. In 1900, the family lived at 431 Bridge Street and she did not work outside the home. She worked as a laundress in 1910. In 1897, her husband worked as a barber and lived at 431 Bridge Street. At 63 years old, she died bronchial pneumonia on December 29, 1929.
Drake Virgie Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1882 December 31, 1957 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Virgie C. Drake was born on April 8, 1883. She graduated from Hampton Institute in 1903 and later worked as a teacher in Athens. She married Cornelius Drake and, in 1920 and 1940, the couple lived at 986 Reese Street. After his death, she still lived in the house, according to the 1956 City Directory. She died from unknown causes on July 6, 1958.
Reid Sallie Female African American Enslaved Housework December 31, 1919 66 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Hill Valetta Female African American Free December 31, 1878 December 31, 1954 76 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Rosa and Robert Smith, Valetta Smith Hill was born on January 2, 1879. In 1880, she lived with her parents in Athens, Georgia. In 1900, she was married, but still lived with her mother and siblings at 851 Cherry Lane. She died from unknown causes on April 12, 1955.
Lungkins Elnora Female African American Free December 31, 1912 December 31, 1921 10 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Nesbit Ella Female African American Enslaved December 31, 1859 December 31, 1947 88 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ella Virginia Richardson Nesbit was born on August 23, 1860 and most likely enslaved as a child. She married John Nesbit on February 3, 1884 and the couple had six living children, including John, Fannie, Sarah, Julia, and Laura. As a widow in 1900, she worked as a laundress and lived with five of her children at 310 Pearl Street. She died from unknown causes on December 6, 1948.
Gleen Albirdie Female African American Free December 31, 1919 5 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Morgan Elizabeth Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1901 December 31, 1963 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Elizabeth Morgan was born between 1902 and 1904. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a cook at "Co-Ed Restr" and lived at 1347 W Broad Street. At that times, she was a single householder and unmarried or widowed. She died from unknown causes on August 25, 1964.
Woods Lizzie Female African American Free December 31, 1977 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Lizzie Beth Woods, who resided at 200 Washington Drive, died from unknown causes on July 9, 1978. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Reid Beulah Female African American Free December 31, 1884 December 31, 1908 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Beulah H. Reid was born on April 2, 1885. In 1900, she attended school and lived with her parents at 431 Bridge Street. She died from unknown causes on September 30, 1909. She was 24 years old. In 1897, her father lived at 431 Bridge Street; this is most likely her last known address.
Derricotte Ophelia Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1881 December 31, 1931 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Charlotte L. Derricotte and Edward J. Derricotte, Ophelia Marie Derricotte Lyons was born on September 9, 1882. In 1900, she attended lived with her parents on Chase Street. According to Arthur Bunyan Caldwell’s Georgia, she married Charles Henry Spurgeon Lyons on September 8, 1909, and “she was educated at Athens and at Boston, and assists her husband in his work. Of the children born to them, two are living. They are Lottie Margaret and Charles Henry Spurgeon Lyons, Jr.” In 1920, she worked as a teacher in Athens. She died from cardiovascular renal disease on November 6, 1932. According to her Death Certificate, she worked as a teacher and lived at 427 Baxter Street.
Jones Louvenia Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1851 December 31, 1921 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Louvenia Jones was born on March 20, 1852 and most likely enslaved as a child. At some point in her life, she married and had seven children; only five were living in 1900. That same year, she lived with her daughter (Emma Mills) and son-in-law (George Mills) on Franklin Street. According to the 1917 City Directory, she lived at 187 Poplar Street. She died from unknown causes on September 14, 1922.
Bryant Lillie Female African American Free December 31, 1970 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Lillie Bryant died from unknown causes in 1971.
H[??] Olivia Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Mack Mattie Female African American Free Student December 31, 1888 December 31, 1913 25 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Charlotte and John Mack, Mattie B. Mack was born in 1889. She attended school in 1900 and lived with her parents at 915 Reese Street. According to the 1913 City Directory, she lived at 853 Reese Street. At 25 years old, she died from unknown causes in 1914.
Coleman Willie Female African American Free Student December 31, 1914 December 31, 1930 16 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Julia Coleman and D.K., Willie Mae Coleman was born around 1915. She attended school in Athens and lived at 258 Chase Street. She died from pulmonary tuberculosis on May 10, 1931. She was only 16 years old at the time of her death.
Grady Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1919 22 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jackson Lila Female African American Free December 31, 1935 December 31, 1959 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lila Lurlene Jackson was born in 1935 and died on September 26, 1960. She was only 24 years old at the time of her death.
Morton Clara Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1872 December 31, 1956 84 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Clara H. Morton was born around 1873. In 1900, she was a widow living with her five children (Susie, Clara B., Frank, Leroy, and Emma) at 682 Chase Street. In 1910, she is listed as “divorced” in the census. She worked as washer in 1900 and a chamber maid in 1910. In 1930, she lived alone at 784 Chase Street. According to the 1952 City Directory, she lived at 780 N Chase Street. She died from unknown causes on August 31, 1957.
Wright Inez Female African American Free December 31, 1977 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Inez Flanigan Wright, who resided in Dayton, Ohio, died from unknown causes in March 1978. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Witcher Nolia Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1920 29 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Dukes Mary Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1842 December 31, 1907 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Mary Dukes died at 65 years old on July 10, 1908. Given these dates, she would have been born enslaved around 1843. According to the 1889 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 216 Hancock Avenue.
Bell Vino Female African American Free December 31, 1889 December 31, 1961 72 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Vino Bell was born around 1890. She married Dock Bell and the couple had at least four children: Willie, Susie, Daisy Lee, and Mary. In 1940, the family lived off Old Elberton Road in Bucks Branch. She died from unknown causes in 1962. According to her obituary, she lived at 473 Little Oak Street at the time of her death. Her funeral was held at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Mack Charlotte Female African American Enslaved Domestic December 31, 1861 December 31, 1932 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Charlotte H. Mack was born in 1862 and most likely enslaved as a child. She married John R. Mack, a post office clerk, in 1882 and the couple had at least eight children: Annie, Abram, Mattie, Fannie, Lucile, Richard, Milledge, and Walter. On June 21, 1933, she died from hypostatic pneumonia, myocarditis, and dilatation of heart. At the time of her death, she worked as a domestic and lived at 853 Reese Street.
Terrell Mannie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1922 23 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bates Alice Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1891 December 31, 1974 83 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Alice Johnson Bates was born on April 10, 1892. In 1940, she worked as a laundress and was married to William Bates; the couple lived at 1537 W Broad Street in 1940. She was widowed in 1943 and, sometime before her own death on June 27, 1975, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where she lived at the time of her death. The funeral was held at 4pm on June 29 at Hurley’s Chapel in Athens. Burial at Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery followed.
Powers Amanda Female African American Enslaved December 31, 1917 73 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Daughter of Harriett Powers. According to her obituary, she died at 73 years of age in May 1918. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
S[??] Emma Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Edwards Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Bryant Lillie Female African American Free December 31, 1894 December 31, 1970 76 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Lillie Wade Bryant was born around 1895. She appears to have married. At 76 years old, she died from unknown causes on April 25, 1971. According to her obituary, she lived at 872 W Broad Street at the time of her death.
Jones Lillie Female African American Free December 31, 1970 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lillie May Jones died on January 9, 1971. At the time of her death, she lived at 105 Walton Street.
Robinson Charity Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1833 December 31, 1920 87 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Holbrook Rowena Female African American Free December 31, 1891 December 31, 1968 77 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Anna Hughes and Eugene Shepard, Rowena Antoinette Shepard Holbrook was born around 1892. In 1928, she lived at 1847 Broad Street with her husband, Stephen Holbrook, a carpet layer. According to the 1958 City Directory, the couple lived at 1347 W Broad Street. She died from unknown causes in 1969.
Ha[??] Mamie Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Nolan Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1877 December 31, 1947 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mary “May” Jackson Nolan was born around 1878. She married Robert Nolan on December 28, 1895 and the couple had at least three children: Edward, Robert, and Eva. In 1930, she worked as a cook and her husband worked as a “yard man.” The family lived at 434 Peabody Street in 1930 and, in 1931, they lived at 167 Peabody Street. According to the 1942 City Directory, At 70 years old, she died from unknown causes on November 9, 1948.
Walker Lizzie Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1873 December 31, 1941 68 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lizzie Walker was born on April 7, 1874. She appears to have gotten into an altercation with a neighbor in 1914. According to the 1924 City Directory, she worked as a laundress and lived at 220 Atlanta Avenue. In 1940 and 1942, Lizzie lived with Jason Walker, a laborer, and they lived at 259 N Chase Street. At 68 years old, she died from unknown causes on April 16, 1942.
Davis Rebekah Female African American Unknown December 31, 1921 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Rebekah Davis was born in 1832 in Georgia. She was enslaved to Dr. and Mrs. Edward Ware. As a young woman, she married Ned Davis (also enslaved) and the couple had 7 children. Later, at least one of her sons moved to Chicago as a grown man. Three of her sons remained in Athens, and James A. Davis worked as a mail carrier. After the Civil War, she worked as a seamstress. She appears to have learned to read and write in the later years of her life and she was an active member of the First A.M.E. Church. She lived at 179 Strong Street in Athens, Georgia until her death from unknown causes on January 19, 1922. Her obituary, published in the Athens Daily Herald, described her as “one of the oldest citizens of Athens and was the oldest member of the First A. M. E. church.” She was 90 years old. But even after death, the white newspaper remembered her as a ‘faithful slave,’ an element of Lost Cause ideology. “‘Aunt Rebekah’ . . . as a family servant of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Ware, who lived on Hoyt street, during the ante bellum days, and her husband Ned Davis, belonged to Captain John Thomas, and was her personal servant. Ned died many years ago. These darkies were servants in the homes of two of the best known and most aristocratic families of the day, and were well known to many of the white people of the time,” stated the obituary. [Researched and written by Trey Smith]
Samuels Flora Female African American Free December 31, 1915 December 31, 1936 21 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, Flora Samuels was born around 1916. She married Samuels Buster, a helper at the Cherokee Service Station, and the couple lived at 288 Second Street in 1935. and At only 21 years old, she died from unknown causes around 1937.
Hurt Francis Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1919 75 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jones Sallie Female African American Enslaved Laundress December 31, 1859 December 31, 1884 25 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Jennie and Levi Jones, Sallie Jones was born around 1860 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1870, she lived in Watkinsville with her parents. She married Robert Jones, a laborer. In 1880, she worked as a “washer & ironer” and lived with her husband at 377 River Street. She died from unknown causes on July 25, 1885.
Robinson Vainiga Female African American Free Student December 31, 1921 6 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Brydie Camilla Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1850 December 31, 1924 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Loueisa Brown and Jack Jackson, Camilla Jackson Brydie was born on December 12, 1851 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1871, she married Eugene Brydie and the couple had at least six children: George, Carrie, Eugene, Eddie, Mary, and Mattie. She worked as a laundress in 1900. After become a widow, she worked as a “Cake Baker” in 1910 and a “Baker” in 1920. She died from cerebral apoplexy on November 16, 1925. According to her Death Index, she worked as a cook and lived at 168 Finley Street.
Haley Beverly Female African American Free December 31, 1940 December 31, 1954 14 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Beverly Ann Haley was born in 1941 and died in 1955.
Malcolm Henrietta Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1869 December 31, 1935 66 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of William Whiles, Henrietta Malcolm was born around 1870. In 1920, she worked as a laundress and rented a home on Reese Street. On February 7, 1936, she died from cerebral apoplexy and acute [??] nephritis. At the time of her death, she was a domestic living at 1125 W Broad Street.
Maxwell Mary Female African American Free December 31, 1969 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mary Brooks Maxwell, who resided at 258 Lyndon Avenue, died from unknown causes on February 21, 1970. She was the mother of Charlie J. Maxwell, Mary T. Maxwell, V. Blanche Moore, Ann S. Teasly, Frederica N. Maxwell, and Lucy V. Johnson. The funeral was handled by McWhorter Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Thomas Alice Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1922 75 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Collins Female African American Unknown December 31, 1917 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, this female member of the Collins family died in 1918. She was most likely married to Reverend Collins, who preceded her in death in 1894.
Jameson Ella Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1888 December 31, 1909 29 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ella Underwood Jameson was born on July 4, 1881. In 1910, she worked as a cook and lived with her husband, Shoals Jamison, at 193 Pendley Street (193 Finley Street). At 29 years old, she died from unknown causes on June 30, 1910.
Murden Dora Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1868 December 31, 1925 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jones Louisa Female African American Enslaved Seamstress December 31, 1853 December 31, 1909 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Louisa Beale Jones was born sometime between 1848 and 1854 and most likely enslaved. In 1870, she lived in the household of Tena Beall and did not work. In 1880, she lived alone on Hancock Avenue and worked as a dressmaker. At some point between 1880 and 1910, she married. Jones died from unknown causes on October 11, 1910. According to her funeral notice, she lived on Newton Street at the time of her death.
McQueen Mahala Female African American Unknown December 31, 1909 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Mahala Wooden McQueen survived four wars throughout her lifetime, including the War of 1812 at the time of her birth. She later sewed and mended clothes for soldiers in the Mexican American War, Civil War, and the Spanish American War. Born at Cherokee Corners in Oglethorpe County, and was enslaved to the Hill family. Her obituary notes her labor for the Barrow family in raising David Crenshaw Barrow, former University of Georgia Chancellor from 1906 to 1925. At the time of her death, she birthed twelve children with only two surviving, Sam McQueen and a daughter, Julia Witheld. She passed away at 98 years old in her cottage home at 658 Hull Street on March 22nd, 1910.
Favors Ada Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1884 December 31, 1926 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Cynthia and Thomas Favors, Ada B. Favors was born around 1885. At 16 years old, she worked as a laundress and lived with her parents at 609 Lumpkin Street. By 1920, the family had moved to Billups Street. According to the 1926 City Directory, her parents lived at 148 Pearl Street--she most likely lived with her parents at this time. She died from unknown causes in 1927.
Jacks Mary Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1923 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bunkley Carrie Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1894 December 31, 1946 52 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Carrie Woods Bunkley was born around 1895. She married Frank Bunkley and the couple had one child. In 193 and 1930, she was a housewife and the family lived at 447 Reese Street. At 52 years old, she died from unknown causes on May 30, 1947. Her funeral was held at the First AME Church.
Brydie Carrie Female African American Enslaved December 31, 1857 December 31, 1877 20 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Carrie E. Brydie was born (most likely enslaved) on January 8, 1858 and died on May 11, 1878. She was 20 years old at the time of her death.
Collins Eva Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1919 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Stroud Sarah Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1873 December 31, 1944 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Sarah J. Stroud was born in 1874. In 1920, she was married, but lived with her brother-in-law (Roy L. Thornton) at 553 Hancock Avenue. She worked as a cook at a boarding house in 1920 and as a private cook in 1930. According to the 1942 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 369 Meigs Street. She died from unknown causes in 1945.
Hampton Amanda Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1874 December 31, 1928 51 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Floyd Newsome, Amanda Newsome Hampton was born on July 17, 1875. She died from a cerebral hemorrhage on December 5, 1929. At the time of her death, she worked as a domestic and lived at 1253 W Broad Street.
Martin Jessie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1877 December 31, 1923 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Jessie Martin was born around 1878. She worked as a domestic and died from apoplexy on December 17, 1924. At the time of her death, she was 50 years old and living at 1055 Prince Avenue.
Cooper Pinkie Female African American Free December 31, 1865 December 31, 1907 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Pinkie Cooper was born around 1866 and married H. E. Cooper. She died at age 42 on February 28, 1908.
Griffieth Mayfield Female African American Free Student December 31, 1925 16 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jackson Hattie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1923 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.

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