
Gospel Pilgrim Decedents has a comprehensive list of men, women, and children interred in the cemetery. Using grave markers, obituaries, and death certificates, we have complied a list of individuals buried within the cemetery and, to the extent possible with archival silences, developed short biographies of each persons' life. Some decedents have marked graves, while others do not.

In part, this data is based on an early 2000s GIS survey of the cemetery, which was completed by David Berle, Gail Tarver, Taylor Ladd from the University of Georgia's Horticulture Department. The Athens-Clarke County Death Certificate data was, likewise, transcribed by Leah Richier, an graduate alumni of the University of Georgia's Department of History.

Last Name First Name Gender Race Status Occupation DOB DOD Age Grave Location Grave Markersort descending Biography
Poynter Eddie Female African American Free December 31, 1897 December 31, 1953 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, Eddie Mae Crowder Poynter was born on January 5, 1898. According to the 1952 City Directory, he lived with Thomas Poynter (most likely her husband) at 115 Trail Creek Street. She died from unknown causes on March 10, 1954.
Jones Vinnie Female African American Enslaved December 31, 1824 December 31, 1886 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Vinnie Jones was born around December 25, 1825 and most likely spent her early life enslaved. She married Willis A. Jones, a carpenter and reverend, and, in 1880, the couple lived on Broad Street. She died from unknown causes on November 7, 1887.
Drake Franklin Male African American Free Business December 31, 1891 December 31, 1914 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Laura and Cornelius Drake, Franklin B. Drake was born on October 24, 1892. In 1900, he lived in Athens and attended school. He graduated from Knox Institute and then worked “in business.” In 1910, he lived with his grandmother and parents at 853 Prince Avenue. He died from unknown causes on July 5, 1915.
Wilson Annie Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Annie Wilson died sometime in April.
Hill Whitman Male African American Free Janitor December 31, 1882 December 31, 1960 78 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Whitman Hill was born on September 17, 1883. In 1949, he worked as a janitor and lived with his wife, Sara H., at 157 Church Street, According to the 1958 City Directory, he still lived at 157 Church Street. He died on October 1, 1961. He may have worked as a reverend; this title is listed on his tombstone.
Brown Malcolm Male African American Enslaved December 31, 1858 December 31, 1886 27 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Gabriella and George Brown, Malcolm Brown was born on March 1, 1859 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1870, he attended school. He died at 27 years old from unknown causes on January 9, 1887.
Smith Georgia Female African American Enslaved Laundress December 31, 1861 December 31, 1940 79 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Georgia Smith was born around 1862 and most likely enslaved as a child. Sometime before 1910, she was married and widowed. She worked as seamstress in a Shirt Factory in 1910 and a laundress in 1920. In 1940, she lived alone at 420 Athens Avenue. At 79 years old, she died from unknown causes on January 1, 1941.
Mack Albert Male African American Free Student December 31, 1890 December 31, 1907 17 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Jennie Mack, Albert Mack was born on January 13, 1891. He attended school in 1900 and lived with his mother, a widowed laundress, at 19 Sapalo Street. At 17 years old, he died from unknown causes on April 3, 1908.
Greene Salemma Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1869 December 31, 1948 79 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Salemma Greene was born sometime between 1870 and 1873. She may have married Iyah Stroud. In 1910, she was widowed and living with her mother-in-law, Harriett Stroud, and three children—Ellen, Augustus, and Marcus—at 634 Foundry Street. As a widow in 1940, she worked as a Personal Companion and owned a home at 380 Lyndon Avenue. She died from unknown causes on December 21, 1949. After her death, her daughter Ellen Greene, made sure “ the family plot [was] cleaned and maintained.”
Jackson Farris Male African American Free Doctor December 31, 1893 December 31, 1933 39 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Sweetie Poulain Jackson and Thomas Nathaniel Jackson, Farris L. Jackson was born on September 30, 1894. In 1900, he lived with his parents and siblings at 456 Barber Street. In 1910, he attended school and lived at 133 Cleveland Avenue. At the start of the First World War, he worked as a physician in town and was exempted from the draft as a result. In 1930, he lived with his wife, Ruby, at 526 Hancock Avenue. He died from unknown causes on March 26, 1934.
Cole Mary Female African American Unknown Laundress December 31, 1859 December 31, 1942 83 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mary Camilla Cole was born sometime between 1850 and 1870; it is unknown is she was born free or enslaved.. She married William Cole and gave birth to nine children. In 1910, only two of her children, Hansel Cole and an unnamed child, were living. In 1910, the family lived on John Street in Athens. According to the 1942 City Directory, she worked as a laundress and lived at 320 Cleveland Avenue. She died from unknown causes on February 15, 1943.
Tuggle N. Unknown African American Free December 31, 1897 December 31, 1966 68 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked N. Tuggle was born on February 25, 1898 and died from unknown causes on February 5, 1967.
Moore Winnie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1878 December 31, 1935 57 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Ann and Ben King, Winnie King Moore was born around 1879. She married Augustus Moore, a lunmber yard worker, and the couple had at least one living child: Cassie. In 1920, she did not work and lived her husband on Cleveland Avenue. She died from [chronic interstitial nephritis?], paralysis, and hypertension on December 3, 1936. At the time of her death, she worked as a domestic and lived at 199 Cleveland Avenue.
[Barker?] [Sam?] Male African American Enslaved December 31, 1846 December 31, 1926 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to his tombstone, Sam Barker was born, most likely enslaved, around 1847, and died on January 28, 1927. He was eighty years old at the time of his death.
Ray Lizzie Female African American Free December 31, 1902 December 31, 1903 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Lizzie May Ray was born on July 7, 1903 and died on September 8, 1904. The infant was 1 year 2 months old when she died.
Jones Willis Male African American Enslaved Carpenter December 31, 1813 December 31, 1912 99 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Willis A. Jones was born around February 28, 1814 and most likely spent his early life enslaved. He married Vinnie Jones and, in 1880, the couple lived on Broad Street. He worked as a carpenter in 1880, but is referred to as “Reverend” on his tombstone. According to the 1897 City Directory, he worked as a Carpenter and lived at 31 S Poplar Street. He died from unknown causes on March 3, 1913.
Drake Virgie Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1882 December 31, 1957 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Virgie C. Drake was born on April 8, 1883. She graduated from Hampton Institute in 1903 and later worked as a teacher in Athens. She married Cornelius Drake and, in 1920 and 1940, the couple lived at 986 Reese Street. After his death, she still lived in the house, according to the 1956 City Directory. She died from unknown causes on July 6, 1958.
Winkfield Ellen Female African American Free Seamstress December 31, 1868 December 31, 1956 88 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ellen Winkfield (or Wingfield) was born around 1869. She married William Wingfield and the couple had at least three children: Walter, Callie, and Hattie. In 1910 and 1920, the family lived on Bridge Street and she worked as a dressmaker. According to the 1954 City Directory, she lived at 229 Bridge Street. She died from unknown causes on November 2, 1957.
Hill Valetta Female African American Free December 31, 1878 December 31, 1954 76 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Rosa and Robert Smith, Valetta Smith Hill was born on January 2, 1879. In 1880, she lived with her parents in Athens, Georgia. In 1900, she was married, but still lived with her mother and siblings at 851 Cherry Lane. She died from unknown causes on April 12, 1955.
Brunt Wakefield Male African American Free Post Office December 31, 1892 December 31, 1926 33 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Wakefield C. Brunt was born around November 14, 1893 in Salisbury, North Carolina and lived at 660 Hancock Avenue in 1917. During the First World War, he served oversees as a private in the Company M, 304th Stevedore Regiment. He returned to Athens following the war and worked as postman. In 1922, he won a “friendly competition between the Athens [mail] carriers.” According to the 1923 City Directory, he most likely lived at 640 W Hancock Avenue. He died of unknown causes on February 1, 1927.
Smith Flournoy Unknown African American Unknown Laborer December 31, 1941 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the 1931 City Directory, Flournoy Smith worked as a labor and lived at 160 Hendrix Avenue. They died from unknown causes on May 6, 1942.
Mack Abram Male African American Free Student December 31, 1886 December 31, 1906 20 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Charlotte and John Mac, Abram T. Mack was born in 1887. He attended school in 1900 and lived with his parents at 915 Reese Street. At 20 years old, he died from unknown causes in 1907. According to the 1913 City Directory, the family lived at 853 Reese Street; this is most likely his last known address.
Grimes Robert Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1951 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Robert Grimes was born around 1890. He served in the First World War and, at its onset, he lived at 285 Fairview Street. According to the 1952 City Directory, he worked as a yardman and lived with his wife (Mattie) at 148 Chase Street. He died from unknown causes in 1952.
Jackson [L.?] Unknown African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Cole John Male African American Free December 31, 1924 December 31, 1924 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Neomie Cole gave birth to a stillborn infant, John Cole, on May 2, 1925. His mother, Nonie, worked as a farm laborer and lived at 349 Hull Street in 1921. According to the Death Index, the infant died at 186 John Street.
Turner Frances Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1892 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Frances Truner was born around 1893. She married Luther Turner and the couple had at least seven children: John, Dorthey, Walter, Fannis, Charles, Joseph, and Crawford. In 1920, the couple lived on Water Street. In 1940, they lived at 970 Hobson Street and she worked as a laundress. She died from unknown causes on an unknown date.
Morgan Elizabeth Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1901 December 31, 1963 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Elizabeth Morgan was born between 1902 and 1904. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a cook at "Co-Ed Restr" and lived at 1347 W Broad Street. At that times, she was a single householder and unmarried or widowed. She died from unknown causes on August 25, 1964.
Barksdale Andrew Male African American Free Waiter December 31, 1890 December 31, 1932 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Janie and Charlie Barksdale, Andrew Daniel Barksdale was born in November 1891 or 1892. As an 8 year-old child, he lived on Chase Street with his parents. In 1917, he lived in Lynwood Park in Clarke County, Georgia. He worked as a waiter before he was drafted into the army in 1918 and sent to Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas. He died from unknown causes on June 17, 1933. After his death, Nancy Jane Timmons—who lived at 232 Gleen Avenue—applied for a military headstone for the grave.
Reed Julia Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1879 December 31, 1960 81 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Julia W. Reed was born around 1880. According to the 1931 City Directory, she was the principal at West Broad Street School and lived at 669 Madison Avenue. She remained at that address in 1940 and worked as teacher. According to the 1958 City Directory, she lived at 147 North Avenue. At 81 years old, she died from unknown causes on July 19, 1961.
Jones Louvenia Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1851 December 31, 1921 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Louvenia Jones was born on March 20, 1852 and most likely enslaved as a child. At some point in her life, she married and had seven children; only five were living in 1900. That same year, she lived with her daughter (Emma Mills) and son-in-law (George Mills) on Franklin Street. According to the 1917 City Directory, she lived at 187 Poplar Street. She died from unknown causes on September 14, 1922.
Derricotte Ophelia Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1881 December 31, 1931 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Charlotte L. Derricotte and Edward J. Derricotte, Ophelia Marie Derricotte Lyons was born on September 9, 1882. In 1900, she attended lived with her parents on Chase Street. According to Arthur Bunyan Caldwell’s Georgia, she married Charles Henry Spurgeon Lyons on September 8, 1909, and “she was educated at Athens and at Boston, and assists her husband in his work. Of the children born to them, two are living. They are Lottie Margaret and Charles Henry Spurgeon Lyons, Jr.” In 1920, she worked as a teacher in Athens. She died from cardiovascular renal disease on November 6, 1932. According to her Death Certificate, she worked as a teacher and lived at 427 Baxter Street.
Winkfield Walter Male African American Free Mail Carrier December 31, 1887 December 31, 1931 43 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Ellen and William Wingfield, Walter P. Winkfield (or Wingfield) was born around 1888. In 1910, he lived with his parents on Bridge Street and worked as a barber. In 1920, he worked as a “US City Carrier.” He died from “[cancer?] of face” on March 14, 1932. According to his Death Certificate, he was a “postman” and lived at 221 Bridge Street.
Hill [??] Unknown African American Unknown December 31, 1923 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, [??] W. Hill died from unknown causes in 1924.
Bryant Lillie Female African American Free December 31, 1970 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Lillie Bryant died from unknown causes in 1971.
Smith Priscilla Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1889 December 31, 1962 73 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Jane and Bedny Smith, Priscilla Smith was born around 1890. In 1900, she lived with her parents at 1112 Billups Street and attended school. She appears to have married and been widowed young. She worked as a cook in 1910, a nurse in 1930, and a maid in 1940. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a maid and lived at 1160 W Hancock Avenue. At 73 years old, she died from unknown causes on January 28, 1963.
Mack Mattie Female African American Free Student December 31, 1888 December 31, 1913 25 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Charlotte and John Mack, Mattie B. Mack was born in 1889. She attended school in 1900 and lived with her parents at 915 Reese Street. According to the 1913 City Directory, she lived at 853 Reese Street. At 25 years old, she died from unknown causes in 1914.
H[??] Olivia Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Jackson Lila Female African American Free December 31, 1935 December 31, 1959 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lila Lurlene Jackson was born in 1935 and died on September 26, 1960. She was only 24 years old at the time of her death.
Coleman Willie Female African American Free Student December 31, 1914 December 31, 1930 16 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Julia Coleman and D.K., Willie Mae Coleman was born around 1915. She attended school in Athens and lived at 258 Chase Street. She died from pulmonary tuberculosis on May 10, 1931. She was only 16 years old at the time of her death.
Turner Luther Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1884 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Luther Turner was born around 1885. He married Frances Turner and the couple had at least seven children: John, Dorthey, Walter, Fannis, Charles, Joseph, and Crawford. In 1920, the couple lived on Water Street and he worked as a laborer for the Southern Railroad. In 1940, they lived at 970 Hobson Street and he worked as a watchman. He died from unknown causes on an unknown date.
Morton Clara Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1872 December 31, 1956 84 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Clara H. Morton was born around 1873. In 1900, she was a widow living with her five children (Susie, Clara B., Frank, Leroy, and Emma) at 682 Chase Street. In 1910, she is listed as “divorced” in the census. She worked as washer in 1900 and a chamber maid in 1910. In 1930, she lived alone at 784 Chase Street. According to the 1952 City Directory, she lived at 780 N Chase Street. She died from unknown causes on August 31, 1957.
Bass Edward Male African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1859 December 31, 1902 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Martha and William Bass, Edward W. Bass was born on August 23, 1860 and most likely spent his early years enslaved. As a youth in 1880, he worked as porter and eventually became a barber. He married Martha Caldwell on June 9, 1889. According to the 1889 City Directory, he worked as a barber and lived at 1024 Reese Street. At 42 years-old, Bass died from unknown causes on June 20, 1903. According to the 1904 City Directory, his widow, Martha Bass, lived at 1127 Reese Street--this is most likely his last known address as well.
Reid Dina Male African American Free Seamstress December 31, 1885 December 31, 1917 32 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Dina Reid was born around 1886. She married Lorenza W. Reed Jr. and, in 1910, the couple lived on Pearl Street. She worked as a seamstress. She died from unknown causes on April 17, 1918.
Jones W. Unknown African American Enslaved December 31, 1854 December 31, 1905 51 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, W. A. Jones was born on April 11, 1855 and most likely enslaved. This individual died on November 5, 1905.
Dukes Mary Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1842 December 31, 1907 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Mary Dukes died at 65 years old on July 10, 1908. Given these dates, she would have been born enslaved around 1843. According to the 1889 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 216 Hancock Avenue.
Winkfield Pattie Female African American Free December 31, 1918 December 31, 1964 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Pattie Winkfield was born in 1919. At 48 years old, she died from unknown causes on April 19, 1965. According to her obituary in The Atlanta Constitution, she lived at 229 Bridge Street.
Hiram Hary Male African American Unknown Farmer December 31, 1927 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Harry Hiram most likely lived at 164 Herring Street and worked as a farmer in 1912. According to his tombstone, he died from unknown causes on October 30, 1928.
Brydie Edward Male African American Free Insurance Agent December 31, 1885 December 31, 1914 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Camilla and Eugene W. Brydie, Edward W. Brydie was born on December 26, 1886. In 1900, he attended school. By 1910, he was working as an insurance agent in Athens and still living with his parents at 101 Finley Street. He died from unknown causes on August 12, 1915.
Smith [??]ssie Unknown African American Free December 31, 1940 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Mack Charlotte Female African American Enslaved Domestic December 31, 1861 December 31, 1932 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Charlotte H. Mack was born in 1862 and most likely enslaved as a child. She married John R. Mack, a post office clerk, in 1882 and the couple had at least eight children: Annie, Abram, Mattie, Fannie, Lucile, Richard, Milledge, and Walter. On June 21, 1933, she died from hypostatic pneumonia, myocarditis, and dilatation of heart. At the time of her death, she worked as a domestic and lived at 853 Reese Street.
H. H. Unknown African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
[Jackson?] Unknown African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Collins Male African American Unknown Reverend December 31, 1893 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to his tombstone, Reverend Collins died in 1894.
Upson Neal Male African American Enslaved December 31, 1860 December 31, 1941 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Jane and Harold Upson, Neal Upson was born around 1861. According to a 1930s WPA interview, he was enslaved on Frank Upson’s plantation in Oglethorpe County. He married Brynie Upson. According to the 1942 City Directory, he lived at 450 Fourth Street. At 74 years old, he died from unknown causes on July 22, 1942.
Morton Frank Male African American Free Tailor December 31, 1893 December 31, 1933 40 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of William and Clara H. Morton, Frank B. Morton was born around 1894. In 1910, he lived with his mother and siblings on Chase Street. He worked as a butcher in 1910 and as a waiter in 1917. During the First World War, he served in the 157 Depot Brigade and was stationed at Camp Gordon. On November 8, 1924, he married Mary Gray. In 1930, he worked as a laborer. He died from myocardial weakness and nephritis on December 27, 1934. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a tailor and lived at 784 Chase Street.
Bates Alice Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1891 December 31, 1974 83 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Alice Johnson Bates was born on April 10, 1892. In 1940, she worked as a laundress and was married to William Bates; the couple lived at 1537 W Broad Street in 1940. She was widowed in 1943 and, sometime before her own death on June 27, 1975, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where she lived at the time of her death. The funeral was held at 4pm on June 29 at Hurley’s Chapel in Athens. Burial at Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery followed.
Reid Willie Male African American Free Butcher December 31, 1893 December 31, 1937 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Nora Smith and Willie Reid, Willie Reid was born on August 16, 1894. In 1910, he lived with his grandmother (Della Batiste) and worked as a brick yard laborer. During the First World War he served in the 315th Labor Battalion. At 43 years old, He died from rheumatic heart disease on April 15, 1938. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a butcher and lived at 462 Madison Avenue.
Jones Lillie Female African American Free December 31, 1970 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lillie May Jones died on January 9, 1971. At the time of her death, she lived at 105 Walton Street.
Edwards Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Winkfield Callie Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1894 December 31, 1969 76 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Jennie L. Davis, Callie V. Winkfield was born between 1892 and 1895. In 1930, she worked as a public school teacher and lived with her mother at 229 Bridge Street. In 1945, the National Alliance of Postal Employees meet at her home in Athens. She died from unknown causes on July 31, 1970 in Fulton, Georgia.
Holbrook Rowena Female African American Free December 31, 1891 December 31, 1968 77 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Anna Hughes and Eugene Shepard, Rowena Antoinette Shepard Holbrook was born around 1892. In 1928, she lived at 1847 Broad Street with her husband, Stephen Holbrook, a carpet layer. According to the 1958 City Directory, the couple lived at 1347 W Broad Street. She died from unknown causes in 1969.
Brydie E. Unknown African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1847 December 31, 1908 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, E. W. Brydie was born on August 12, 1848 and most likely enslaved. He mosy likely married Camilla Jackson Brydie and the couple had at least three children: Carolyn, Eugene, and Edward. According to the 1889 City Directory, he worked as a barber and lived at 601 Plum Street. In 1904, he still worked as a barber, but noq lived at 101 N Findley Street. At around 61 years old, he died from unknown causes on October 3, 1909.
Smith Candace or Candance? Female African American Enslaved Domestic December 31, 1847 December 31, 1927 84 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Violet Baxter, Candance Wylie Smith was born around 1848. She died on September 29, 1928. According to her Death Certificate, she worked as a domestic and lived on a “country farm” outside of Athens.
Mack John Male African American Enslaved Post Office Clerk December 31, 1855 December 31, 1917 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked John R. Mack was born around 1856 and most likely enslaved as a child. He married Charlotte H. Mack in 1882 and the couple had at least eight children: Annie, Abram, Mattie, Fannie, Lucile, Richard, Milledge, and Walter. In 1900 and 1910, he worked as a post office clerk and owned a house at 853 Reese Street. According to the 1913 City Directory, he and his family lived at 853 Reese Street. He died from unknown causes in 1918.
Ha[??] Mamie Female African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Haley Beverly Female African American Free December 31, 1940 December 31, 1954 14 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Beverly Ann Haley was born in 1941 and died in 1955.
Jameson Shores Male African American Free Driver December 31, 1871 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Shoals Jamison was born around 1872 in Alabama. According to the 1904 City Directory, he worked as a butler and lived at 23 N Findley Street. In 1910, he worked as a coachman and lived with his wife, Ella Jamison, at 193 Pendley Street (193 Finley Street). He died from unknown causes on an unknown date.
Collins Isaac Male African American Free Janitor December 31, 1879 December 31, 1926 47 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Isaac Collins was born on February 10, 1880. Around 1905, He married Lizzie Collins and the couple had at least two children: Mary and Jeffrey. In 1910, he worked as a “Bill Poster” in the “Bulletin Boards” industry. According to the 1920 Census, he worked as a janitor and lived at 195 Billups Street. He died from unknown causes on February 10, 1927.
Upson Brinie Female African American Free December 31, 1952 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Brynie Upson was born around 1880. She married Neal Upson, a farmer, and the couple lived outside of town on Hull Road. She died from unknown causes on December 21, 1953. According to the 1942 City Directory, he lived at 450 Fourth Street; this was most likely her last known address.
Morton William Male African American Free 10 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked William Morton died when he was 10 years old. He was the brother of Lizzy C. Morton.
Bates William Male African American Free Farmer December 31, 1864 December 31, 1941 77 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Kissey Bates, William Bates was born around 1865. His first wife, Marie Bates, died sometime before 1920. In the 1920s and 1930s, he worked as a farmer near the Princeton Factory in Clarke County, Georgia. By 1940, he had remarried 44 year-old Alice Bates and they lived at 1537 W Broad Street. At that time, he did not work and she worked as a laundress. He died on March 6, 1942; he was around 77 years of age.
Reid Fannie Female African American Free Secretary December 31, 1889 December 31, 1983 93 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Fannie J. Reid was born on October 5, 1890. In 1910, she attended school and lived with her parents at 431 Bridge Street. In 1910, she remained at the same address. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a secretary at the Athens High and Industrial School and lived at 243 Bridge Street. She died from unknown causes on February 19, 1984.
Jones Sallie Female African American Enslaved Laundress December 31, 1859 December 31, 1884 25 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Jennie and Levi Jones, Sallie Jones was born around 1860 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1870, she lived in Watkinsville with her parents. She married Robert Jones, a laborer. In 1880, she worked as a “washer & ironer” and lived with her husband at 377 River Street. She died from unknown causes on July 25, 1885.
Evans Will Male African American Free Rail Road Worker December 31, 1885 December 31, 1925 39 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of William Evans, Will Evans was born around June 25, 1886. He married Julia Evans and, according to his First World War draft card, he supported four children. After the war, he worked on the railroad. On June 8, 1926, he died from [??] and acute endocarditis. The couple had been living at 488 Strong Street.
Wymbs J. Male African American Free Minister December 31, 1890 December 31, 1935 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Janette and Lewis Wymbs, J. H. Wymbs was born around 1891. He died from an acute infection on August 15, 1936. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a minister and lived at 175 Second Street.
Holbrook Marion Male African American Free Post Office Clerk December 31, 1879 December 31, 1928 49 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Marion J. Holbrook was born on April 14, 1879 or 1880. He married Carrie Jones Holbrook and the couple had at least two children: Marion and Georgia. He worked various jobs in his early years; he was barber in 1900 and a laborer at “Odd Jobs” in 1910. He started working as a post office clerk in 1911, and remained at that position for the remainder of his life. He intentional shot himself and died from two gunshot wounds on May 6, 1929. At the time of his death, he had been living with his wife at 130 Harris Street.
Brydie Camilla Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1850 December 31, 1924 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Loueisa Brown and Jack Jackson, Camilla Jackson Brydie was born on December 12, 1851 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1871, she married Eugene Brydie and the couple had at least six children: George, Carrie, Eugene, Eddie, Mary, and Mattie. She worked as a laundress in 1900. After become a widow, she worked as a “Cake Baker” in 1910 and a “Baker” in 1920. She died from cerebral apoplexy on November 16, 1925. According to her Death Index, she worked as a cook and lived at 168 Finley Street.
Smith Martha Female African American Enslaved Domestic December 31, 1859 December 31, 1921 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Jim Nealy, Martha Smith was born around 1860 in Alabama and most likely enslaved as a child. She married Seboon (or “Siabam”) Smith around 1870 and the couple had at least six children: Inez, Willie, and Samuel. In 1910, she worked as a “sick nurse” and lived with her family on Bertin Street. She died from “cancer return” on May 30, 1922. According to her Death Certificate, she worked as a domestic and lived at 181 Lyndon Avenue.
Malcolm Henrietta Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1869 December 31, 1935 66 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of William Whiles, Henrietta Malcolm was born around 1870. In 1920, she worked as a laundress and rented a home on Reese Street. On February 7, 1936, she died from cerebral apoplexy and acute [??] nephritis. At the time of her death, she was a domestic living at 1125 W Broad Street.
Martin Jessie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1877 December 31, 1923 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Jessie Martin was born around 1878. She worked as a domestic and died from apoplexy on December 17, 1924. At the time of her death, she was 50 years old and living at 1055 Prince Avenue.
Hampton Amanda Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1874 December 31, 1928 51 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Floyd Newsome, Amanda Newsome Hampton was born on July 17, 1875. She died from a cerebral hemorrhage on December 5, 1929. At the time of her death, she worked as a domestic and lived at 1253 W Broad Street.
[Murfrey?] [??] Unknown African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1928 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, this individual was born around 1893 and died in 1929; they were 36 years old.
Jameson Ella Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1888 December 31, 1909 29 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ella Underwood Jameson was born on July 4, 1881. In 1910, she worked as a cook and lived with her husband, Shoals Jamison, at 193 Pendley Street (193 Finley Street). At 29 years old, she died from unknown causes on June 30, 1910.
Collins Female African American Unknown December 31, 1917 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, this female member of the Collins family died in 1918. She was most likely married to Reverend Collins, who preceded her in death in 1894.
Virgil Emma Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1879 December 31, 1943 64 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Mary and Louis Jackson, Emma Virgil was born around 1880; her parents had been enslaved to John Montgomery in Oconee County. In 1930, she worked as a cook. When interviewed by the WPA in the 1930s, she lived at 1491 W. Broad Street. According to the 1952 City Directory, she lived at 268 Parris Street. At 64 years old, she died from unknown causes on February 14, 1944.
Morton Charlie Male African American Free Soldier December 31, 1894 December 31, 1947 52 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Charlie L. Morton was born on November 17, 1895. At the start of the First World War, he lived at 784 Chase Street. He died from unknown causes on March 12, 1948. After his death, Mrs. Clara Morton applied for a military headstone on his behalf. She lived at 784 Chase Street, which was most likely his last known address as well.
Jones Louisa Female African American Enslaved Seamstress December 31, 1853 December 31, 1909 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Louisa Beale Jones was born sometime between 1848 and 1854 and most likely enslaved. In 1870, she lived in the household of Tena Beall and did not work. In 1880, she lived alone on Hancock Avenue and worked as a dressmaker. At some point between 1880 and 1910, she married. Jones died from unknown causes on October 11, 1910. According to her funeral notice, she lived on Newton Street at the time of her death.
Reid Mattiline Female African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1893 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Mattiline I. Reid was born on August 14, 1893 and died on July 30, 1894. She was only 6 months old. In 1897, her father lived at 431 Bridge Street; this is most likely her last known address.
Jones Tena Unknown African American Enslaved December 31, 1847 December 31, 1887 40 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Tena Jones was born in 1848 and most likely enslaved as a child. This individual died from unknown causes on September 23, 1888. Madison Davis was the executor of the will.
Favors Ada Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1884 December 31, 1926 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Cynthia and Thomas Favors, Ada B. Favors was born around 1885. At 16 years old, she worked as a laundress and lived with her parents at 609 Lumpkin Street. By 1920, the family had moved to Billups Street. According to the 1926 City Directory, her parents lived at 148 Pearl Street--she most likely lived with her parents at this time. She died from unknown causes in 1927.
Young Agnes Female African American Enslaved Laundress December 31, 1836 December 31, 1897 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Agnes “Aggie” Crawford Young was born in March 1837. In 1870, she was “keeping house.” She was married James Young in 1864 and they had at least six children: Edward, John, Minnie (Davis), Maria, James, and Young. As a widow in 1880, she lived at the corner of Foundry Street and Connecticut Street and worked as a “Washer & Ironer.” According to the 1889 City Directory, she lived at 438 Bridge Street and worked as a laundress. At he died from unknown causes on January 10, 1898. After her death, she bequeathed her possessions to her daughter, Minnie Davis.
Holsey [??] Unknown African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Brydie Carrie Female African American Enslaved December 31, 1857 December 31, 1877 20 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Carrie E. Brydie was born (most likely enslaved) on January 8, 1858 and died on May 11, 1878. She was 20 years old at the time of her death.
Smith Robert Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1888 December 31, 1924 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Nellie Thomas and Scott Smith, Robert Smith was born around 1889. He married Pearl Smith and served in the 313 Service Battalion during the First World War. He died from being “shot by police in self defense” on December 25, 1925. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as carpenter and lived at 387 Flint Street.
Martin George Male African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1819 December 31, 1880 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked George Martin was born around 1820 and most likely spend the majority of his life enslaved. He married Mary Martin and the couple had at least one child: Essen Martin. In 1880, he worked as a laborer and the family lived on an “unnamed street near River Street.” He died from unknown causes in 1881. According to the 1897 City Directory, his wife lived at 648 Odd Street, East Athens; this is most likely his last address as well.
Hardeman Eugene Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1901 December 31, 1950 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Mary Hardeman, Eugene Hardeman was born on September 2, 1902. According to his First World War Draft Card, he worked as a landscaper and lived at 623 Hull Street. He was still living at the same address in 1928. At 48 years old, he died from unknown causes on July 21, 1951.
Neely Helen Female African American Free December 31, 1898 December 31, 1963 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Helen B. Neely was born on September 10, 1899 and died on March 26, 1964. She was 65 years old.
Jarrell Robet Male African American Free Driver December 31, 1883 December 31, 1959 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Robert Jarrell was born around 1883. In 1904, he married Mearly Taylor, who worked as “servant at Moss-Side, 497 Cobb Street, for forty-three years.” According to his First World War Draft Card, he worked as a driver and lived at 190 Cohen Street. According to the 1956 City Directory, he still lived at that address in 1956. At 77 years old, he died from unknown causes on May 13, 1960.
Cooper Pinkie Female African American Free December 31, 1865 December 31, 1907 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Pinkie Cooper was born around 1866 and married H. E. Cooper. She died at age 42 on February 28, 1908.
W Unknown African American Unknown Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]

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