
Gospel Pilgrim Decedents has a comprehensive list of men, women, and children interred in the cemetery. Using grave markers, obituaries, and death certificates, we have complied a list of individuals buried within the cemetery and, to the extent possible with archival silences, developed short biographies of each persons' life. Some decedents have marked graves, while others do not.

In part, this data is based on an early 2000s GIS survey of the cemetery, which was completed by David Berle, Gail Tarver, Taylor Ladd from the University of Georgia's Horticulture Department. The Athens-Clarke County Death Certificate data was, likewise, transcribed by Leah Richier, an graduate alumni of the University of Georgia's Department of History.

Last Name First Name Gender Race Status Occupation DOB DOD Age Grave Location Grave Markersort descending Biography
Dixon Laura Female African American Free December 31, 1946 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Laura Annie Dixon, who resided at 201 Butler Street in Atlanta, Georgia, died in January 1947. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Joseph George Male African American Free Child December 31, 1922 December 31, 1922 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Simmons Harett Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1921 95 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Edwards Fred Male African American Enslaved Fireman December 31, 1922 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Lyons John Male African American Free Mason December 31, 1920 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Wagner George Male African American Enslaved Plasterer December 31, 1918 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Thomas Bennie Male African American Free December 31, 1989 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Bennie Thomas, who resided at 230 Pauldoe Street, died from unknown causes in February 1990. The funeral was handled by Mutual Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Hill John Female African American Free Child December 31, 1918 December 31, 1918 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Parrott Henry Male African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1918 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bradley Lena Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1918 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Edwards Roberta Female African American Free December 31, 1948 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Roberta Woods Edwards, the wife of Joseph Edward, died in November 1949. The funeral was handled by Mack & Payne Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Killian Sarah Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1901 December 31, 1926 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Sloan Lucinda Female African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1919 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Everaton Mamie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1920 17 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mack Claudie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1885 December 31, 1924 41 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Wales Cassie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1921 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Thomas Lonnie Male African American Free December 31, 1962 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Lonnie Thomas was born on May 6, 1879. He married Ethel Thomas, who worked as a hotel maid. Lonnie and Ethe had at least six children: Edward, Melvin, Hassie (or “Azzie”), Alfonzo, Charlie, and St. Elmore. Census records show that Lonnie owned his house on 160 Water Oak Street in Athens, Georgia. In 1910, Mr. Thomas went to court and won against someone who had wrongfully disposed of his personal property. His draft card for the military in 1918 listed the same address, along with his employer, the Georgia Plow Company, where he worked for many years as a laborer in the factory. He died from unknown causes on January 20, 1963, and was buried in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery. [Researched and written by McKenna Sanville]
Hill Mamie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1880 December 31, 1922 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Patterson Nellie Female African American Free December 31, 1922 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Brewer [??] Female African American Free December 31, 1904 December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Ellis Sarah Female African American Free December 31, 1945 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Sarah Ellis died in November 1946. The funeral was handled by Mutual Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Laney Minnie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1920 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Betney Male African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1922 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Fields Bell Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1881 December 31, 1926 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mack Cynthia Female African American Unknown Housework December 31, 1921 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker [??] Female African American Free Child December 31, 1924 December 31, 1924 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Thomas Arthur Male African American Free December 31, 1943 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked The son of Margaret and Hamilton Thomas, Arthur Thomas was born between 1867 and 1870. Around 1906, he married Gertrude Thomas, and the couple had at least one child, Willie Mae Thomas. In 1910, he worked as a brickmason and rented a home at 288 Bridge Street. He died from unknown causes in 1944. At the time of his death, he lived in Atlanta. [Researched and written by Nic Rasool]
Hill Patsy Female African American Free December 31, 1925 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Payne Jesse Male African American Free Child December 31, 1926 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bridy Camilla Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1924 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Evans Julia Female African American Free December 31, 1961 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Julia Evans, who resided at 360 First Street, died in December 1962. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Lawrence Orrin Male African American Enslaved December 31, 1920 82 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Lizzie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1922 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Fields Jno. Male African American Free Cotton Worker December 31, 1918 35 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mack Mollie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1925 40 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Charlie Male African American Enslaved Reverend December 31, 1919 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Thronton Tommie Female African American Free December 31, 1953 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mrs. Tommie Upshaw Thornton, who resided at 170 Lendon Avenue, died from unknown causes in September 1954. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Hiram Ellen Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1919 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Payne Jessie Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1924 22 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Brittin George Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1925 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Flanigan Albert Male African American Free December 31, 1880 December 31, 1967 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Albert Capp Flanigan, who resided at 87 Broad Acres, died from unknown causes in June 1968. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked
Lee Della Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1923 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Lula Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1919 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Fields Lelia Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1921 51 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Marshall Nannie Female African American Enslaved Housework December 31, 1919 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Fannie Female African American Enslaved Farmer December 31, 1920 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Jessie Male African American Free December 31, 1954 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Jessie Walker was born in 1890 in Athens, GA. According to the Athens Daily Herald, he was still living in Athens in 1917 and listed among the Clarke County men registered for the First World War draft. He moved to Michigan sometime after this and married Evie Walker with whom he had a daughter named Ora Lee Walker, later Ora Lee Gardner. According to the 1930 US Census, Walker lived with his family and two men who rented rooms in their home at 518 Beaver St. in Lansing, MI. His obituary of September 10, 1955, placed his residence at 131S Case Street in Lansing, and stated that he would be returned to Athens, GA to be buried in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery. [Researched and written by Avery Scott]
Hirams Rubin Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1922 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Payne Lettia Female African American Enslaved Domestic December 31, 1927 85 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Browner Richard Male African American Enslaved City Employee December 31, 1921 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Flanigan Melvin Male African American Free December 31, 1914 December 31, 1976 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Melvin Coot Flanigan, who resided at 190 Cleveland Avenue, died from unknown causes in December 1977. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Lewis Ellen Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1920 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Peter Male African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1919 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Ford Malinda Female African American Free Farmer December 31, 1920 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Martin Amandia Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1919 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Macauloy Male African American Free Child December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Nathaniel Male African American Free December 31, 1954 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked A lifelong Athens resident, Reverend Nathaniel Thomas Walker was born on February 22, 1887. He was drafted for the First World War in 1917, and according to the Athens Daily Herald, he was part of a group of men sent to France. Walker had requested a military exemption, but it was rejected: as the newspaper noted, “two young men who are in the ministry failed to exempt [from military service] – on account of the fact that they did not file proof to their claim in the prescribed manner.” After his return from the war, he married Susie B. Walker, with whom he took care of a stepdaughter, Christine B. Barnette. He worked as a preacher, and between 1931 and 1944 he was the reverend of Union Missionary Baptist Church. He lived at 160 Water Street in 1917, and resided on Finley Street in 1920. In August 1955, he passed away from unknown causes and was buried in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery. [Researched and written by Abby Lauterbach]
Warrick Anges Female African American Free December 31, 1969 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Agnes (Aremita) Heard Warrick was born in Athens, Georgia on October 13, 1897. On March 1, 1927, she married Ronald M. Warrick. At age 72, Warrick died on January 15, 1970 and was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery in Athens, Georgia. Her last known residence was in Fort Pierce, Saint Lucie, Florida. [Researched and written by Taliesin Utz]
Holbrooks Rosa Female African American Free December 31, 1919 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Pitman Carrie Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1919 30 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Buedon Ora Male African American Free Gardener December 31, 1920 December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Freeman Edward Male African American Free December 31, 1965 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Edward M. Freeman, who resided at 237 North Church Street, died from unknown causes in May 1966. He was married to Julia A. Freeman. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Lewis Fannie Female African American Enslaved Teacher December 31, 1923 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Rencie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1923 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Fortson Jim Male African American Free December 31, 1919 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mathews Oliva Female African American Enslaved Laundress December 31, 1919 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Taylor Male African American Enslaved Farmer December 31, 1920 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Washington Hector Female African American Free December 31, 1946 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mrs. Hector Mary Washington, who resided in Atlanta, died from unknown causes in January 1947. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Holmes Geo. Male African American Free December 31, 1923 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Poole Fay Female African American Free December 31, 1913 December 31, 1918 5 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bunkley Lula Female African American Free December 31, 1925 54 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Freeman Bessie Female African American Unknown December 31, 1945 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Bessie Samuel Freeman died in October 1946. The funeral was handled by Mack & Payne Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Logan Fanie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1925 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Springs Charlie Male African American Free Drayman December 31, 1918 31 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Louise Female African American Free December 31, 1961 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Louise Johnson died from unknown causes in September 1962. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Foster Jos. Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1918 19 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
McClure Ida Female African American Free December 31, 1915 December 31, 1920 5 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker William Male African American Free Drayman December 31, 1919 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Watson Victoria Female African American Free December 31, 1973 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Victoria Watson, who resided at 175 Glenhaven Avenue, died from unknown causes in October 1974. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Holmes Mattie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Pope [??] Male African American Free Child December 31, 1918 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Burnes Mamie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1926 37 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Freeman Julia Female African American Free December 31, 1963 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary Julia A. Freeman, who resided at 237 North Church Street, died from unknown causes in June 1964. She was married to Edward M. Freeman. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Lumpkin Dan Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1926 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Stephens Clide Male African American Free Barber December 31, 1920 38 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Ethal Female African American Free December 31, 1975 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Ethel Johnson, who resided at 151 Lyndon Avenue, died from unknown causes in August 1976. She was married to James Johnson and they had at least one child, Blanche Johnson Jones. The funeral was handled by Hurley’s Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Foster Lorenza Male African American Free Child December 31, 1926 December 31, 1926 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mcclusky Julia Female African American Enslaved Housework December 31, 1923 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Warren Harrett Female African American Enslaved Housework December 31, 1918 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Whitield Mittie Female African American Free December 31, 1961 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mittie Whitfield, who resided at 495 Reese Street, died from unknown causes in December 1962. The funeral was handled by Hurley Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Houston Florence Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1920 21 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Potts Lou Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1924 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Carter Lillie Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1919 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Gilbert Robert Male African American Free December 31, 1952 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Robert Gilbert, who resided at 346 Bowie Street SW in Atlanta, died from unknown causes in January 1953. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Lumpkin Rosa Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1918 52 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Stokely George Male African American Enslaved Laborer December 31, 1920 58 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Reese Male African American Free December 31, 1957 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Reese Johnson, who resided at 130 Water Street, died from unknown causes in June 1958. The funeral was handled by Mutual Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Gant Ellen Female African American Enslaved Farmer December 31, 1919 110 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mcgee Andrew Male African American Free Cook December 31, 1923 43 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Washington Leo Male African American Free Student December 31, 1920 13 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.

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