
Gospel Pilgrim Decedents has a comprehensive list of men, women, and children interred in the cemetery. Using grave markers, obituaries, and death certificates, we have complied a list of individuals buried within the cemetery and, to the extent possible with archival silences, developed short biographies of each persons' life. Some decedents have marked graves, while others do not.

In part, this data is based on an early 2000s GIS survey of the cemetery, which was completed by David Berle, Gail Tarver, Taylor Ladd from the University of Georgia's Horticulture Department. The Athens-Clarke County Death Certificate data was, likewise, transcribed by Leah Richier, an graduate alumni of the University of Georgia's Department of History.

Last Name First Name Gender Race Status Occupationsort descending DOB DOD Age Grave Location Grave Marker Biography
Nesbit Ernest Male African American Free December 31, 1945 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Ernest Nesbit, who resided in Augusta, died from unknown causes December 15, 1946. He married Mollie Nesbit, and the couple had at least one child, Leroy Nesbit. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Bush Annie Female African American Free December 31, 1895 December 31, 1961 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Annie B. Bush was born around 1897. Before 1920, she married Clarence Bush, a grocery store wagon driver. She, herself, worked as a laundress during the 1920s and 1930s. In 1930, she lived with her husband at 850 Broad Street. According to the 1958 City Directory, they remained at that address. Little is known about her adult life and she died from unknown causes on April 14, 1962.
Merriweather W. Unknown African American Free December 31, 1912 December 31, 1930 17 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, W. G. Merriweather was born on November 26, 1913 and died on July 20, 1931. This individual was only 17 years at the time of their death.
Harris Marion Male African American Free December 31, 1899 December 31, 1911 11 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to his tombstone, Marion O. Harris was born on September 18, 1900 and died on April 16, 1912. He was only 11 years old at the time of his death.
Lyons C.H.S. Male African American Free Academic December 31, 1880 December 31, 1954 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked C. H. S. (or C. M. S.) Lyons Sr. was born on July 25, 1881. He may have worked as a professor or teacher. According to the 1952 City Directory, he was president of the Union Baptist Institute (known Jeruel Academy) and lived at 427 Baxter Street. He died on June 26, 1955.
Lyons Lottie Female African American Free Academic December 31, 1911 December 31, 1956 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The granddaughter of Charlotte and Edward Derricotte and the daughter of Ophelia M. and Charles Lyons, Lottie M. Lyons was born around 1912. In 1920, she lived with her parents at 427 Baxter Street. She was the Dean of Woman at Ft. Valley State College (now Fort Valley State University). She died from unknown causes on May 19, 1957.
Morton Amanda Female African American Enslaved Baker December 31, 1849 December 31, 1884 35 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Amanda Morton was born between 1850 and 1853 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1880, she lived on Prince Avenue and worked “At Laura McCrays,” which was a bakery in town. She is buried in the Morton plot in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery and most likely lived at 823 Prince Avenue with the other members of the Morton family.
McCray Laura Female African American Enslaved Baker December 31, 1817 December 31, 1912 95 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Dolly Billops, Laura McCray was born on June 7, 1818 and enslaved for much of her live. While a slave, she received a letter in 1841. In 1870, she was “keeping house” in Athens. In 1880, she worked at “Confectionery Baking” and lived on Prince Avenue. According to the 1897 City Directory, she worked at a cake shop and lived at 819 Prince Avenue. In 1910, she lived on Prince Avenue and worked as a baker. Indeed, she was famous for her cakes. She died from unknown causes on December 5, 1913.
Reid Lorenzo Male African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1862 December 31, 1946 84 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lorenzo W. Reid was born around 1863 and most likely enslaved as a child. On October 5, 1884, he married Laura Richardson Reid, a laundress, and the couple had at least ten children: Beulah, L. W., Charlie, Addie, Fannie, Louisa, Ruth, Etta, Mattiline, and Laura Ella. In 1900, the family lived at 431 Bridge Street. He worked as a barber in 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1940. In 1940, he lived at 431 Bridge Street. At 83 years old, he died from unknown causes on June 14, 1947.
Brown Anderson Male African American Free Barber December 31, 1868 December 31, 1938 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Anderson S. Brown was born in 1869. In 1900, he was widowed and worked as a post office clerk. He remarried before 1910; he and Mamie E. Brown at had least three children: Hamilton, Fedrick, and Julius. They were active in the Odd Fellows and, during a 1915 convention, she “welcomed the visitors to the colored households of Athens.” He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias. He worked as a “Special Deputy” for the “City Odd Teller” in 1910 and aa barber in 1920 and 1930. In 1910, 1920, and 1930, the family lived at 987 Reese Street. He died from unknown causes in 1939. She remained in the house after his death.
Dillard Hansel Male African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1792 December 31, 1852 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Hansel Dillard was born enslaved around 1793. Trained as a barber, Dillard advertised his services to white Athenians in The Southern Whig: “Barbering and Hair-dressing. Hansel Dillard, Respectfully informs the citizens of Athens and the public generally, that he will, at all times, be found at his Shop, happy to accommodate those who favor him with their patronage.” In an era that barred almost all free and enslaved men from skilled employment, barbers enjoyed steady, profitable work. Indeed, this profession paid well; Dillard’s earning bought him freedom. As a free man of color, Dillard carved out a respectable space for himself in the slaveholding South. Dillard, according to The Weekly Banner, “made a great deal of money.” In addition to his barbershop, Dillard owned a bakery, operated a confectionery, kept a stable, and ran a delivery service. For him, and many other African-American men, barbering was a path to freedom and middle-class prosperity. It allowed him to procure not only his own freedom, but purchase his wife’s freedom for $1000 as well. She, then, took in student’s washing for additional income. In 1851, Dillard owned property; he paid taxes. Sixty-year-old Dillard died of unknown causes on Sept. 5, 1853. He was buried in Athens. Exactly where, however, is unknown. At some point, years after Hansel Dillard’s death, friends from Charleston, South Carolina erected a tombstone in his memory. While damaged by age and neglect, the stone, inscribed “I know that my Redeemer livith,” still stands in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery today.
Stephens Clide Male African American Free Barber December 31, 1920 38 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mcqueen Sam Male African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1920 72 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bass Edward Male African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1859 December 31, 1902 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Martha and William Bass, Edward W. Bass was born on August 23, 1860 and most likely spent his early years enslaved. As a youth in 1880, he worked as porter and eventually became a barber. He married Martha Caldwell on June 9, 1889. According to the 1889 City Directory, he worked as a barber and lived at 1024 Reese Street. At 42 years-old, Bass died from unknown causes on June 20, 1903. According to the 1904 City Directory, his widow, Martha Bass, lived at 1127 Reese Street--this is most likely his last known address as well.
Brydie E. Unknown African American Enslaved Barber December 31, 1847 December 31, 1908 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, E. W. Brydie was born on August 12, 1848 and most likely enslaved. He mosy likely married Camilla Jackson Brydie and the couple had at least three children: Carolyn, Eugene, and Edward. According to the 1889 City Directory, he worked as a barber and lived at 601 Plum Street. In 1904, he still worked as a barber, but noq lived at 101 N Findley Street. At around 61 years old, he died from unknown causes on October 3, 1909.
Whitfield W. Male African American Free Blacksmith December 31, 1864 December 31, 1938 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked W. M. Whitfield was born on April 18, 1865. According to the 1938 City Directory, he worked as a blacksmith and lived with his wife, Mittie, at 495 Reese Street. At 74 years old, he died from unknown causes on June 13, 1939.
Stovall Will Male African American Free Blacksmith December 31, 1921 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Heard William Male African American Free Blacksmith December 31, 1864 December 31, 1938 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Manerva and Thomas Heard, William Heard was born on February 12,1865 in Elberton, Georgia. Sometime before 1880, the family moved to Athens and he lived with his parents on Market Street. He worked as a “horseler” in 1880 and as a blacksmith in 1900, 1910, and 1920. He married Mattie Heard, a teacher, in 1897 and the couple does not appear to have had living children. He died from acute mitral regurgitation on September 26, 1939. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a blacksmith and lived at 475 Reese Street.
Pinckney Hopie Female African American Enslaved Boarding December 31, 1811 December 31, 1887 76 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Hopie Pinckey was born on May 18, 1812. She was enslaved to Mr. A. Hull of Athens. In 1860, someone attempted to burn down her dwelling, but she escaped the fire. According to the 1880 Census, she was married, worked as day boarder, and lived alone on Melchior Street. At 76 years of age, she died from unknown causes on July 7, 1888.
Heath Lula Female African American Free Boarding House December 31, 1873 December 31, 1912 39 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lula Shaw Heath was born sometime between 1874 and 1878. In 1910, she ran a boarding house and lived with her husband, Charley Heath, their child, Charley, and two borders at 317 Chase Street. She died from unknown causes on September 15, 1913.
Drake Franklin Male African American Free Business December 31, 1891 December 31, 1914 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Laura and Cornelius Drake, Franklin B. Drake was born on October 24, 1892. In 1900, he lived in Athens and attended school. He graduated from Knox Institute and then worked “in business.” In 1910, he lived with his grandmother and parents at 853 Prince Avenue. He died from unknown causes on July 5, 1915.
Morton Monroe Male African American Enslaved Businessman December 31, 1855 December 31, 1918 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of a white man and Elizabeth Morton, Monroe “Pink” Bowers Morton was born enslaved around 1856. He most likely lived on plantation of John Phinizy. In 1870, he lived with his mother, “Lizzie,” and his siblings in Athens. He worked a number of jobs. According to the census, he worked at a retail grocery in 1880, post master in 1900, and a contractor in 1910. He was also a republican party leader, the owner and publisher of The Progressive Era (a black newspaper), a business leader, and a real estate owner, who built the Morton Theatre and facilitated the development of Athens’s “Hot Corner.” According to the Atlanta Independent (Jan. 30, 1904), “Mr. Morton is a self-made man, and has won his way to the front in business, politics, society by sheer force of character, distinct individuality, rare precocity and strict application to business.” In his personal life, he first married Amanda Morton, who died in 1885 He, then, married Tallulah Morton, his second wife, and the couple had several children, including Monroe, Maude, Ida, and Charlie. He died from cirrhosis of the liver and chronic myocarditis on February 12, 1919. He was, according to his Death Certificate, a “Retired Capitalist” who lived at 823 Prince Avenue. His obituary in The Athens Banner described him as “one of the wealthiest negros in the South.” The paper continued: “‘Pink’ Morton was well known not only in Athens, but throughout the state. He was one of the leaders of the republican party in Georgia, and at one time under the administration of President McKinley was postmaster of Athens. His career has been a most unusual one. Starting life as a slave in 1853 on the plantation of Phinizy’s near Athens, he became a leader of his race, and a most successful business man.”
Strickland John Male African American Free Butcher December 31, 1894 December 31, 1918 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Jennie Wagner and Ed Strickland, John Strickland was born around 1895. In 1910, he lvied with his parents at 475 First Street and worked as a laborer in a cotton mill. During the First World War, he served in the 157 Depot Brigade at Camp Gordon. He died from pulmonary tuberculosis on April 22, 1919. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a butcher and lived at 475 First Street.
Reid Willie Male African American Free Butcher December 31, 1893 December 31, 1937 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Nora Smith and Willie Reid, Willie Reid was born on August 16, 1894. In 1910, he lived with his grandmother (Della Batiste) and worked as a brick yard laborer. During the First World War he served in the 315th Labor Battalion. At 43 years old, He died from rheumatic heart disease on April 15, 1938. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a butcher and lived at 462 Madison Avenue.
Lee Albert Male African American Free Butler December 31, 1912 December 31, 1940 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Susie B. and Albert Lee, Albert Thomas Lee was born around 1914. In 1930, he worked as a butler and lived at 424 Reese Street. In 1922, he was arrested for stealing goods and jailed. At 28 years old, he died from unknown causes on September 8, 1941.
Drake Laura Female African American Enslaved Cake Embosser December 31, 1861 December 31, 1904 43 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Laura L. T. Drake was born in May 1862 and was most likely enslaved as a child. In 1900, she was married and had four children: Franklin, Laura, Ruby, and Gipsy. She worked as a cake embosser and lived at 11 Billups Street. On May 24, 1905, she died from unknown causes; she was around 43 years old.
Smith Robert Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1888 December 31, 1924 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Nellie Thomas and Scott Smith, Robert Smith was born around 1889. He married Pearl Smith and served in the 313 Service Battalion during the First World War. He died from being “shot by police in self defense” on December 25, 1925. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as carpenter and lived at 387 Flint Street.
Jones Willis Male African American Enslaved Carpenter December 31, 1813 December 31, 1912 99 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Willis A. Jones was born around February 28, 1814 and most likely spent his early life enslaved. He married Vinnie Jones and, in 1880, the couple lived on Broad Street. He worked as a carpenter in 1880, but is referred to as “Reverend” on his tombstone. According to the 1897 City Directory, he worked as a Carpenter and lived at 31 S Poplar Street. He died from unknown causes on March 3, 1913.
Brittin George Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1925 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
McCleskey Edward Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1864 December 31, 1931 67 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Julia and William McCleskey, Edward McCleskey was born in March 1865. In 1930, he was widowed and owned a home at 220 Harris Street. He worked as a carpenter for much of his life. At age 67, he died from cardiovascular renal disease on September 19, 1932.
Shaw Will Male African American Free Chauffer December 31, 1926 38 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Grant Render Male African American Free Chauffer December 31, 1922 23 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Taylor Samul Male African American Free Chauffer December 31, 1923 31 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Thomas Eluice Male African American Free Child December 31, 1923 December 31, 1924 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Joseph George Male African American Free Child December 31, 1922 December 31, 1922 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Hill John Female African American Free Child December 31, 1918 December 31, 1918 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker [??] Female African American Free Child December 31, 1924 December 31, 1924 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Payne Jesse Male African American Free Child December 31, 1926 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Walker Macauloy Male African American Free Child December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Holmes Mattie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Pope [??] Male African American Free Child December 31, 1918 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Foster Lorenza Male African American Free Child December 31, 1926 December 31, 1926 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Watson Myrtie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1920 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Merritte Claud Male African American Free Child December 31, 1922 December 31, 1922 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Williams J. Male African American Free Child December 31, 1918 December 31, 1918 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jackson Hattie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1923 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Wise L. Male African American Free Child December 31, 1922 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Moore Robert Male African American Free Child December 31, 1925 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Simmons Mitchell Male African American Free Church Employee December 31, 1905 December 31, 1964 59 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Anna B. Simmons, Mitchell Simmons was born on November 2, 1906. In 1910, he lived with his mother and grandmother in Madison, Georgia. In 1920, he worked as a theatre porter in Atlanta and lived with his mother in the city. By 1930, he had moved to South Carolina and was married to Thelma Simmons. The couple had at least one child: Mitchell J. Simmons. According to his Second World War draft registration, he worked for Reverend Frank Gantt and lived at 814 Hampton Street in Columbia, South Carolina. He died from unknown causes on February 12, 1965.
Browner Richard Male African American Enslaved City Employee December 31, 1921 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Brittain Will Male African American Free City Worker December 31, 1866 December 31, 1925 57 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Gabriel Brittain, Will Brittain was born in November 1867 in Georgia. He married Brayne Brittin and the couple may or may not have had children. He died from apoplexy on March 21, 1926 and, at the time of his death, he “worked for the city” at lived at 140 [Glyn?].
Hawkins Dave Male African American Enslaved Construction December 31, 1919 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Hawkins Peter Male African American Free Construction December 31, 1921 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Virgil Emma Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1879 December 31, 1943 64 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Mary and Louis Jackson, Emma Virgil was born around 1880; her parents had been enslaved to John Montgomery in Oconee County. In 1930, she worked as a cook. When interviewed by the WPA in the 1930s, she lived at 1491 W. Broad Street. According to the 1952 City Directory, she lived at 268 Parris Street. At 64 years old, she died from unknown causes on February 14, 1944.
Hicks Charles Male African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1840 December 31, 1915 75 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Charles Hicks was born around 1841 and most likely enslaved as a child and young adult. In 1904, he worked as a cook and lived at 21 N Findley Street. He was married to Mary A. Hicks and, according to the 1915 City Directory, they lived at 169 N Findley Street. According to a 1914 newspaper report, he was a contributing member of the Methodist Church. He died from unknown causes on December 8, 1916.
Thomas Alice Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1922 75 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jones William Male African American Free Cook December 31, 1879 December 31, 1964 84 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked William Brown Jones was born on September 18, 1880. According to his First World War Draft Card, he worked as a cook at the State Normal School. He married Mamie Howell Jones and the couple had at least three children: Arthur, Thomas, and Clifford. In 1940, he worked as a cook and the family lived at 1063 W Hancock Avenue. According to the 1956 City Directory, he and his wife lived at 1063 W Hancock Avenue. At 84 years old, he died from unknown causes on January 19, 1965.
Thomas Margret Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1919 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Nesbrit Hellen Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1919 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Deadwyler Mattie Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1851 December 31, 1938 86 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mattie Deadwyler was born around 1852 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1870, she worked as a domestic servant and lived in Elbert, Georgia. She moved to Athens sometime before 1900, and, at that time, lived with her two daughters (Mary and Martha) and a granddaughter (Gertrude) at 410 Reese Street. According to the 1900, 1910, 1920 Census, she worked as a cook. In 1930, she no longer worked and lived at 600 W Broad Street. She remained at this address, according to the 1938 City Directory. She died from unknown causes on January 4, 1939.
Morgan Elizabeth Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1901 December 31, 1963 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Elizabeth Morgan was born between 1902 and 1904. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a cook at "Co-Ed Restr" and lived at 1347 W Broad Street. At that times, she was a single householder and unmarried or widowed. She died from unknown causes on August 25, 1964.
Newsome Susie Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1860 December 31, 1926 66 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Deadwyler Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1892 December 31, 1962 69 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Mattie Deadwyler, Mary Deadwyler was born in 1893. In 1900, she lived with her mother, sister (Martha), and a niece (Gertrude) at 410 Reese Street. She worked as a house maid in 1900, a maid at a hotel in 1910 and as a cook in 1920 and 1930. In 1930, she was a widow living with her mother, sister, and brother-in-law at 600 W Broad Street. According to the 1958 City Directory, she lived at 817 Waddell Street. She died from unknown causes on February 12, 1963.
Thomas Orrie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1867 December 31, 1923 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Nolan Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1877 December 31, 1947 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mary “May” Jackson Nolan was born around 1878. She married Robert Nolan on December 28, 1895 and the couple had at least three children: Edward, Robert, and Eva. In 1930, she worked as a cook and her husband worked as a “yard man.” The family lived at 434 Peabody Street in 1930 and, in 1931, they lived at 167 Peabody Street. According to the 1942 City Directory, At 70 years old, she died from unknown causes on November 9, 1948.
Stroud Sarah Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1873 December 31, 1944 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Sarah J. Stroud was born in 1874. In 1920, she was married, but lived with her brother-in-law (Roy L. Thornton) at 553 Hancock Avenue. She worked as a cook at a boarding house in 1920 and as a private cook in 1930. According to the 1942 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 369 Meigs Street. She died from unknown causes in 1945.
Shortey Bobie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1924 35 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jameson Ella Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1888 December 31, 1909 29 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ella Underwood Jameson was born on July 4, 1881. In 1910, she worked as a cook and lived with her husband, Shoals Jamison, at 193 Pendley Street (193 Finley Street). At 29 years old, she died from unknown causes on June 30, 1910.
Holt Caroline Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1838 December 31, 1901 62 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Caroline Holt was born on December 2, 1839 and enslaved. In the 1880s, she worked as a cook for Mrs. Martha Wilson Lumpkin Compton, and was accused of possibly poisoning a member of this white family. The accusation was most likely false, but the lurid story appeared in the local news reports. She died from unknown causes on October 8, 1902.
Taylor Ida Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1898 December 31, 1959 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ida M. Taylor was born around 1899. In 1920, she was married to S. D. Taylor and the couple lived at the corner of Athens and Lula Road. In 1920, she was apparently shot during an altercation at the Morton Theatre. According to the newspaper report, she had been with a man who was not her husband when the shooting occurred. She recovered from the minor flesh wound. In 1930, she lived alone in Patrick Alley and worked as a hotel cook. In 1940, she worked as a cook and lived at 360 Madison Avenue. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a maid The Webb-Crawford Company and lived at 634 N Foundry Street. She died from unknown causes on March 25, 1960.
Owens Pearl Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1884 December 31, 1918 34 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Isabelle Owens, Pearl Owens was born around March 25, 1885. In 1900, she worked as a day laborer and, in 1910, she was a waste picker at the cotton mill. She was arrested with her mother, sister, and two other women for “creating a disturbance” in 1915. She lived at 228 Cleveland Avenue in 1910 and obtained a piece of property on Flynt Street in 1915. According to the 1916 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 228 Cleveland Avenue. She died from unknown causes on January 10, 1919.
Laney Minnie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1920 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Smith Betney Male African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1922 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Fields Bell Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1881 December 31, 1926 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bridy Camilla Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1924 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Jones John Male African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1831 December 31, 1916 85 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked John W. Jones was born on March 19, 1832 and most likely spent his early life enslaved. He married Georgia Thomas Jones, a cook, around 1881 and the couple had three living children. In 1900, he worked as a cook and owned a house at 360 Broad Street. In 1910, he rented a house at 563 Broad Street and did not work. According to the 1916 City Directory, he lived at 522 W Broad Street. He died from unknown causes on July 27, 1917.
Scruggs Viola Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1885 December 31, 1925 30 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Viola Scruggs was born on June 15, 1886. She married Ellie Scruggs, a railroad fireman. In 1910, she worked as cook and lived with her husband and sister on Pearl Street. In 1926, she lived at 447 Third Street. At 30 years old, she died from unknown causes on December 5, 1926.
Hiram Ellen Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1919 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Bacon Marenia Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1823 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Minerva Bacon was born around 1824 and most likely enslaved as a young woman. She married Robert Bacon sometime before 1870 and the couple had at least threechildren: Robert Jr., Edward, and Mary. In 1880, she lived with her husband, sons, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren at 353 Foundry Street in Athens. She worked as a “Washer & Ironer” in 1880 and as a “cook” in 1889. According to the 1889 City Directory, she lived at 414 N Foundry Street. She died from unknown causes on an unknown date.
Hunt Doll Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1898 December 31, 1946 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Doll Hunt was born in 1899. In 1930, she lived with her sister, Mollie Clark, on Crawford Avenue and worked as a laundress. She married Dozier Hunt and, according to the 1931 City Directory, the couple lived at 67 Crawford Avenue. According to the 1942 City Directory, she lived at 350 Barber Street and worked as a cook. She died from unknown causes on September 28, 1947.
Potts Lou Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1924 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mcgee Andrew Male African American Free Cook December 31, 1923 43 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mullins Henry Male African American Free Cook December 31, 1869 December 31, 1930 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Henry A. Mullins was born around 1870. He married Georgia Mullins and the couple had at least four children: Owen, Samson, Lumpkins, and Mary. In 1910, he worked as a city cook and owned a house at 236 S Collins Street. He died from unknown causes in 1931.
Stokley Lizzie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1873 December 31, 1922 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Dukes Mary Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1842 December 31, 1907 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Mary Dukes died at 65 years old on July 10, 1908. Given these dates, she would have been born enslaved around 1843. According to the 1889 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 216 Hancock Avenue.
Grady Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1919 22 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Sims Minnie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1874 December 31, 1930 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Caroline and D. Charlie Whales, Minnie Whales Sims was born around 1875. She married John H. Sims and the couple had at least four children: Robert, M. C, Susie, and George. She worked as a Laundress in 1910 and a cook in 1930. At 56 years old, she died from [??] on November 4, 1931. At the time of her death, she lived at 499 Madison Avenue and worked as a domestic.
Thomas Susie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1872 December 31, 1969 97 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Hannah and G. Thomas, Susie Lee Thomas was born around 1873. In 1880, she lived with her parents on Richardson Street and attended school. She married Anderson Thomas and the couple had at least two children. She worked as a laundress in 1910, a farm laborer in 1920, and a cook in 1940. She died from unknown causes in July 1970. According to her funeral notice, she lived at 130 Hickman Drive.
Iverson Amanda Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1824 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Amanda Iverson was born around 1825 and most likely enslaved. She married Edward Iverson, a day laborer, and in 1870 she was “keeping house.” In 1880, she lived at 268 10th Street and worked as a cook. She died of unknown causes at an unknown date.
Brydie Camilla Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1850 December 31, 1924 74 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Loueisa Brown and Jack Jackson, Camilla Jackson Brydie was born on December 12, 1851 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1871, she married Eugene Brydie and the couple had at least six children: George, Carrie, Eugene, Eddie, Mary, and Mattie. She worked as a laundress in 1900. After become a widow, she worked as a “Cake Baker” in 1910 and a “Baker” in 1920. She died from cerebral apoplexy on November 16, 1925. According to her Death Index, she worked as a cook and lived at 168 Finley Street.
Smith Ada Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1881 December 31, 1916 35 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Ada D. Smith was born on April 29, 1882. She married Tom Smith and the couple had at least five children: Minnie, Agnus, Violet, Wyatt, and Robert. She worked as a washerwoman in 1900 and as a cook in 1910. According to the 1914 City Directory, she lived with her husband at 367 Athens Avenue. At 35 years old, she died from unknown June 16, 1917.
Ray Seymour Male African American Free Cook December 31, 1881 December 31, 1923 41 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Collins Eva Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1919 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Heard Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1844 December 31, 1927 83 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Born around 1845, Mary Heard was most likely enslaved as a child. In 1870, she worked as a domestic servant for Stevens Thomas and his white family. Sometime before 1880, she married Bartlett Heard a farmer and the couple lived in Buck Branch, Clarke County, Georgia. After his death in June 1890, she worked as a farm laborer. In 1909, she worked as a cook and lived 185 Valley [Road or Street]. She died from unknown causes in 1928.
Jones Lula Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1858 December 31, 1929 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lula Jones was born on March 18, 1859 and most likely enslaved. She married and had three children. In 1910, she was a widow who worked as a cook and rented a house at 160 Lyndon Avenue. According to the 1928 City Directory, she worked as a cook and lived at 157 Warsaw Street. She died from unknown cause on April 3, 1930.
Harris Lizzie Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1919 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Witcher Nolia Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1920 29 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Harris Rosa Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1919 33 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Fields Susie Female African American Enslaved Cook December 31, 1858 December 31, 1926 68 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Alice Tomas and Jack Shaw, Susie Shaw Fields was born around August 1859 and most likely enslaved as a child. In 1880, she worked as a servant. She married Eldon Fields, a teamster, and she worked as a washerwoman in 1900. In 1920, she worked cook and lived at 144 Warsaw Street. She died from [myoclonia?] and nephritis on September 29, 1927.
Davis Wm Male African American Enslaved Cotton Worker December 31, 1922 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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