
Gospel Pilgrim Decedents has a comprehensive list of men, women, and children interred in the cemetery. Using grave markers, obituaries, and death certificates, we have complied a list of individuals buried within the cemetery and, to the extent possible with archival silences, developed short biographies of each persons' life. Some decedents have marked graves, while others do not.

In part, this data is based on an early 2000s GIS survey of the cemetery, which was completed by David Berle, Gail Tarver, Taylor Ladd from the University of Georgia's Horticulture Department. The Athens-Clarke County Death Certificate data was, likewise, transcribed by Leah Richier, an graduate alumni of the University of Georgia's Department of History.

Last Name First Name Gender Race Statussort descending Occupation DOB DOD Age Grave Location Grave Marker Biography
Winkfield Pattie Female African American Free December 31, 1918 December 31, 1964 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Pattie Winkfield was born in 1919. At 48 years old, she died from unknown causes on April 19, 1965. According to her obituary in The Atlanta Constitution, she lived at 229 Bridge Street.
Alexander Minnie Female African American Free Insurance Agent December 31, 1892 December 31, 1947 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Minnie L. Alexander was born in Florida sometime between 1892 and 1895. She completed three years of high school. She married George Alexander, a local postman, and they had at least one daughter, Selma Alexander. According to the 1930 Census, the couple owned their own home at 239 Finely Street valued at $2,000. She was active in the Athens community as a member of the “Colored Missionary Workers.” Over the course of her lifetime, she worked as “Life Insurance Agent” and “Proprietor.” Alexander, in her mid-fifties, died from unknown causes on December 6, 1948.
Huff John Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1884 December 31, 1926 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Deadwyler Mary Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1892 December 31, 1962 69 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Mattie Deadwyler, Mary Deadwyler was born in 1893. In 1900, she lived with her mother, sister (Martha), and a niece (Gertrude) at 410 Reese Street. She worked as a house maid in 1900, a maid at a hotel in 1910 and as a cook in 1920 and 1930. In 1930, she was a widow living with her mother, sister, and brother-in-law at 600 W Broad Street. According to the 1958 City Directory, she lived at 817 Waddell Street. She died from unknown causes on February 12, 1963.
Smith [??]ssie Unknown African American Free December 31, 1940 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked [biographical information unknown]
Colbert Guy Male African American Free Student December 31, 1922 18 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Shaw Will Male African American Free Chauffer December 31, 1926 38 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Hawkins Mattie Female African American Free December 31, 1952 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mattie M. Hawkins, who resided at 650 Hancock Avenue, died on December 31, 1953. The funeral was handled by Mutual Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Brewer Gladys Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1896 December 31, 1971 75 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Gladys H. Brewer was born around 1897. She graduate college and worked as a teacher in Athens. She married Manis Brewer, a chauffeur, and the couple rented a home at 270 Chase Street in 1940. She died from unknown causes in 1972. At the time of her death, she lived at 223 North Billups Street in Athens.
Killian W. Male African American Free December 31, 1951 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, W. H. Killian Sr. died from unknown causes in March 1952. He married Ruth Moon Killian, and the couple had at least three children, William Herty Killian Jr., Archibald Killian, Alfred Killian, and Clarence Killian. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Matthews John Male African American Free Merchant December 31, 1883 December 31, 1940 57 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked John T. Matthews was born between 1874 and 1884. He married Margaret “Maggie” Matthews, and the couple rented a home at 1095 W Hancock Avenue in 1920 and 1930. He worked as farmer in 1920 and was a dry goods store merchant in 1930. He died from unknown causes on March 27, 1941.
Grant Render Male African American Free Chauffer December 31, 1922 23 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Reid Willie Male African American Free Butcher December 31, 1893 December 31, 1937 42 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Nora Smith and Willie Reid, Willie Reid was born on August 16, 1894. In 1910, he lived with his grandmother (Della Batiste) and worked as a brick yard laborer. During the First World War he served in the 315th Labor Battalion. At 43 years old, He died from rheumatic heart disease on April 15, 1938. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a butcher and lived at 462 Madison Avenue.
Odoms Corene Female African American Free December 31, 1921 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Morton Maude Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1896 December 31, 1986 90 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of and Monroe “Pink” Bowers Morton and Tallulah Morton, Maude Muller Morton was born on January 5, 1897. In 1910, she attended school and lived with her parents on Prince Avenue. She graduated college and worked as a public school leveler in 1930 and as an elementary school teacher in 1940. According to the 1958 City Directory, she lived at 823 Prince Avenue. At 90 years old, she died from unknown causes on October 15, 1987.
Winkfield Callie Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1894 December 31, 1969 76 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Jennie L. Davis, Callie V. Winkfield was born between 1892 and 1895. In 1930, she worked as a public school teacher and lived with her mother at 229 Bridge Street. In 1945, the National Alliance of Postal Employees meet at her home in Athens. She died from unknown causes on July 31, 1970 in Fulton, Georgia.
Hunter Sebe Male African American Free Merchant December 31, 1921 35 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Derricotte Annie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1883 December 31, 1928 44 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Lula Lee and Charlie Shaw, Annie Bell Derricotte was born on August 28, 1884. She died from lung pneumonia on December 14, 1929. According to her tombstone, she was the “wife of J.W. Derricotte.” She worked as a domestic and lived at 157 Warsaw Street, according to her Death Certificate.
Cole Loucious Male African American Free Driver December 31, 1904 December 31, 1924 20 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Shenault Carrie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1919 53 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Hill Emerline Female African American Free December 31, 1950 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Emerline Hill, who resided at 654 North Avenue NW in Atlanta, died in May 1951. The funeral was handled by Hanley’s Ashby Street Funeral Home. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Brittain Will Male African American Free City Worker December 31, 1866 December 31, 1925 57 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Gabriel Brittain, Will Brittain was born in November 1867 in Georgia. He married Brayne Brittin and the couple may or may not have had children. He died from apoplexy on March 21, 1926 and, at the time of his death, he “worked for the city” at lived at 140 [Glyn?].
Huff Will Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1894 December 31, 1934 40 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Alois Howard and Gib Huff, Will Huff was born on March 12, 1893 in Crawford, Georgia. He died from [??] of heart and nephritis on February 11, 1935. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as laborer and lived at 264 Bridge Street.
Maxwell Charlie Male African American Free December 31, 1971 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Charlie Joe Maxwell, who resided at 253 Lyndon Avenue, died from unknown causes on June 12, 1972. The funeral was handled by Mutual Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Matthews Margaret Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1877 December 31, 1977 101 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Margaret “Maggie” Matthews born around 1878.She married John T. Matthews, and the couple rented a home at 1095 W Hancock Avenue in 1920 and 1930. She worked as a rural school teacher and public school teacher. According to the 1956 City Directory, she stilled lived at that address. At 101 years old, she died from unknown causes on March 6, 1978.
Upson Brinie Female African American Free December 31, 1952 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Brynie Upson was born around 1880. She married Neal Upson, a farmer, and the couple lived outside of town on Hull Road. She died from unknown causes on December 21, 1953. According to the 1942 City Directory, he lived at 450 Fourth Street; this was most likely her last known address.
Tompkins Corine Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1922 24 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Reid Fannie Female African American Free Secretary December 31, 1889 December 31, 1983 93 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Fannie J. Reid was born on October 5, 1890. In 1910, she attended school and lived with her parents at 431 Bridge Street. In 1910, she remained at the same address. According to the 1958 City Directory, she worked as a secretary at the Athens High and Industrial School and lived at 243 Bridge Street. She died from unknown causes on February 19, 1984.
Osborne Anna Female African American Free December 31, 1919 December 31, 1919 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Morton Charles Male African American Free Entertainment Industry December 31, 1902 December 31, 1969 67 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Monroe “Pink” Bowers Morton and Tallulah Morton, Charles Morton was born on February 27, 1903. In 1910 and 1920, he attended school and lived with his parents and siblings on Prince Avenue. In 1930, he worked as a “Machine operator” at the “picture show,” most likely at the Morton Theatre. According to his Second World War draft card, he worked for his family and lived at 823 Prince Avenue. According to the 1958 City Directory, he worked at Twentieth Century Billiards and lived, with Goldiee W., at 659 W Hancock Avenue. At 67 years old, he died from unknown causes on June 20, 1970.
Wymbs J. Male African American Free Minister December 31, 1890 December 31, 1935 45 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Janette and Lewis Wymbs, J. H. Wymbs was born around 1891. He died from an acute infection on August 15, 1936. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a minister and lived at 175 Second Street.
Shortey Bobie Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1924 35 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Howell Leonard Male African American Free December 31, 1954 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Leonard Howell, who resided in Atlanta, died from unknown causes in November 1955. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Hunt Doll Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1898 December 31, 1946 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Doll Hunt was born in 1899. In 1930, she lived with her sister, Mollie Clark, on Crawford Avenue and worked as a laundress. She married Dozier Hunt and, according to the 1931 City Directory, the couple lived at 67 Crawford Avenue. According to the 1942 City Directory, she lived at 350 Barber Street and worked as a cook. She died from unknown causes on September 28, 1947.
[Murfrey?] [??] Unknown African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1928 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to the tombstone, this individual was born around 1893 and died in 1929; they were 36 years old.
Maxwell Mary Female African American Free December 31, 1969 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mary Brooks Maxwell, who resided at 258 Lyndon Avenue, died from unknown causes on February 21, 1970. She was the mother of Charlie J. Maxwell, Mary T. Maxwell, V. Blanche Moore, Ann S. Teasly, Frederica N. Maxwell, and Lucy V. Johnson. The funeral was handled by McWhorter Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Lyons Hannah Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1922 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
McCleskey Edward Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1864 December 31, 1931 67 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Julia and William McCleskey, Edward McCleskey was born in March 1865. In 1930, he was widowed and owned a home at 220 Harris Street. He worked as a carpenter for much of his life. At age 67, he died from cardiovascular renal disease on September 19, 1932.
Virgil Emma Female African American Free Cook December 31, 1879 December 31, 1943 64 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Mary and Louis Jackson, Emma Virgil was born around 1880; her parents had been enslaved to John Montgomery in Oconee County. In 1930, she worked as a cook. When interviewed by the WPA in the 1930s, she lived at 1491 W. Broad Street. According to the 1952 City Directory, she lived at 268 Parris Street. At 64 years old, she died from unknown causes on February 14, 1944.
Griffen Thomas Male African American Free December 31, 1919 26 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Varnell Will Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1925 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Eddie Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1919 December 31, 1946 27 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Mattie Franklin and Eddie Ted Johnson, Eddie Johnson was born on May 9, 1920. He never married. In 1941, he lived in Chicago and worked on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Still living in the city, he was working as a “Bumper Factory Worker” when he died from unknown causes on November 13, 1947. The body was returned to Athens for burial in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery.
Reid Mattiline Female African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1893 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Mattiline I. Reid was born on August 14, 1893 and died on July 30, 1894. She was only 6 months old. In 1897, her father lived at 431 Bridge Street; this is most likely her last known address.
Morton Claud Male African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1892 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to his tombstone, Claud Morton was born in February 1893 and died in June; he was just over 3 months old. He most likely lived at 823 Prince Avenue with the other members of the Morton family.
Derricotte Mathew Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1899 December 31, 1943 54 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mathew “Booby” Derricotte was born around 1890. In 1909, he worked as a laborer and lived at 46 Hull Street. He married Lucy Derricotte and, according to the 1942 City Directory, they lived at 270 Fifth Street. He still worked as laborer. At 54 years old, he died from unknown causes on October 28, 1944.
Smith Robert Male African American Free Carpenter December 31, 1888 December 31, 1924 36 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Nellie Thomas and Scott Smith, Robert Smith was born around 1889. He married Pearl Smith and served in the 313 Service Battalion during the First World War. He died from being “shot by police in self defense” on December 25, 1925. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as carpenter and lived at 387 Flint Street.
Cook Mary Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1925 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Howell Lamar Female African American Free December 31, 1967 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Mrs. Leonard Howell, who resided in Atlanta, died from unknown causes in February 1968. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Brown Hamilton Male African American Free Printer December 31, 1903 December 31, 1970 66 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Mamie E. and Anderson Brown, Hamilton J. Brown was born on May 3, 1904. As a child, he lived on Reese Street with his parents. In 1947, he worked as a printer and, according to the 1947 and 1949 City Directories, he lived at 987 Reese Street. He died from unknown causes on January 25, 1971.
Hunter Richard Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1868 December 31, 1928 60 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Carolina and Richard Hunter, Richard Hunter was born sometime between 1857 and 1869 in Charlotte, North Carolina. He worked as a laborer on the city streets in 1910 and as a “general worker” in 1920. He married Rachel Hunter and the couple had at least three children: Anna Bell, Nellie Bell, and Christine. He died from pneumonia on March 16, 1929. According to his Death Certificate, he worked as a mechanic and lived at 487 Madison Avenue.
Neely Helen Female African American Free December 31, 1898 December 31, 1963 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Helen B. Neely was born on September 10, 1899 and died on March 26, 1964. She was 65 years old.
McCree Sam Male African American Free December 31, 1955 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Sam McCree, the son of Ella Kelly and the husband of Rowena McCree, died from unknown causes on October 1956. The funeral was handled by McWhorter Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Lyons John Male African American Free Mason December 31, 1920 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
McCombs Sarah Female African American Free Student December 31, 1884 December 31, 1906 21 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Serena and Cisero McCombs, Sarah R. McCombs was born on October 22, 1885. In 1900, she attended school and lived with her parents at 901 Reese Street. At 21 years old, she died from unknown causes.
Griffieth Mayfield Female African American Free Student December 31, 1925 16 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Rhoda Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1875 December 31, 1931 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Rhoda Ann Johnson was born around 1876. In 1920, she was a widow and worked as a washerwoman. In 1920, she lived with her two daughters (Minnie and Lula) and her mother-in-law (Emma Lee Johnson) at 882 Water Street. According to the 1931 City Directory, she still lived at that same address. At 55 years old, she died from unknown causes on May 29, 1932.
Reid Laura Female African American Free December 31, 1892 December 31, 1893 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Laura and Lorenza Reid, Laura Ella Reid was born on August 14, 1893 and died on July 30, 1894. She was 11 months old. In 1897, her father lived at 431 Bridge Street; this is most likely her last known address.
Adams Clarence Male African American Free December 31, 1919 1 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Morton Lizzy Female African American Free Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lizzy C. Morton died around 10 months old. She was the sister of William Morton, who died when he was 10 years old. She most likely lived at 823 Prince Avenue with the other members of the Morton family.
Austin Henry Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1895 December 31, 1939 44 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Henry L. Austin was born on February 28, 1896 in Washington, Georgia. During the First World War, he served as a private in the 157 Depot Brigade at Camp Gordon. At the start of the war, he lived at 528 Strong Street. After the war, he married Ada Austin, a cook, and in 1930 the couple lived in the rear of 574 Pulaski Street. It is unknown if they had children. In 1930, he worked as a laborer for the University of Georgia and, in 1935, he was a janitor, most likely for the university. In 1935, he and Ada lived at 150 N. Harris Street. He died from unknown causes on June 29, 1940. His wife, still living at 150 N Harris Street, ordered a military tombstone marker in1941.
Jackson Hattie Female African American Free Child December 31, 1923 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Derricotte Annie Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1882 December 31, 1963 81 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Rosa Smith, Annie Smith Derricotte was born on September 17, 1883. Around 1907, she married Thomas L. Derricotte, a hotel waiter. In 1910, she lived with her mother, husband, and a boarder (Eula Davis) at 293 Cherry Street. She graduated from Atlanta University and she worked as a private school teacher in 1910 and an elementary school teacher in 1940. She lived alone at 389 Dubose Avenue in 1940. According to the 1956, she remained at that address. At 81 years old, she died from unknown causes on October 21, 1964.
Lawrence Odessia Female African American Free December 31, 1902 December 31, 1903 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Odessia Lawrence was a 15 month old infant who died from unknown causes on October 6, 1904.
Johnson Curtis Male African American Free December 31, 1983 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Curtis Johnson, who resided at 97 Broad Acres, died from unknown causes in September 1984. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Brown Mamie Female African American Free Teacher December 31, 1880 December 31, 1960 80 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Mamie E. Brown was born around 1881. She married Anderson S. Brown and the couple at had least three children: Hamilton, Fedrick, and Julius. She was active in the Odd Fellows and, during a 1915 convention, she “welcomed the visitors to the colored households of Athens.” In 1910 and 1930, she and her family lived at 987 Reese Street. She worked as a public school teacher, according to the 1930 Census. According to the 1958 City Directory, she lived still lived at 987 Reese Street, but now worked as a cook at “Chicken Shack.” She died from unknown causes on April 3, 1961.
Hunter Ed Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1918 December 31, 1957 39 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Annie Hunter, Ed Willie Hunter was born around 1919. In 1930, he attended school and lived with his mother on Finley Street. In 1940, he worked as a butler. He married Juanita Gross on January 25, 1943. According to the 1956 City Directory, he worked as yardman and lived at 540 S Finley Street. He died from unknown causes on June 5, 1958. According to his obituary published in The Atlanta Constitution, he lived at 548 Finley Street.
McGinthey Leila Female African American Free December 31, 1967 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Leila Mae McGinthey, who resided in Madison, Georgia, died in June 1968. She was the wife of Harmon McGinthey and the mother of Gussie Mae McGinthey. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
Gaiy Harriet Female African American Free 55 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Harriet C. Gaiy died during the 1940s at 55 years old.
Mack Claudie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1885 December 31, 1924 41 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Griffin Carrie Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1926 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Wales Cassie Female African American Free Laborer December 31, 1921 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson Emanuel Male African American Free Janitor December 31, 1896 December 31, 1939 43 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Lulu and George Johnson, Emanuel Johnson was born in May 1897. In 1900, the family lived at 8 Oconee Street. He married Lonie Johnson and, in 1929, they lived at 260 Vine Street. At that time, he worked as a janitor. According to the 1931 City Directory, he worekd as a janitor at the First Baptist Church and lived at 260 Vine Street. He remained at that address, according to the 1940 City Directory. He died from unknown causes on October 2, 1940. He was only 43.
Mullins William Male African American Free Driver December 31, 1882 December 31, 1954 71 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked William J. Mullins was born around 1883. In 1910, he lived on Reese Street and worked as an ice wagon driver. According to the 1928 City Directory, he worked as a laborer and lived with his wife, Nancy, at 223 N Church Street. In 1930, he drove truck for the ice company and still worked as a driver in 1940. In 1952, he lived with his wife at 223 N Church Street and worked as a truck driver at Atlantic Company. At 71 years old, he died from unknown causes on August 26, 1955.
Aycock Homer Male African American Free Decorator December 31, 1901 December 31, 1959 58 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Homer Aycock Sr. was born around 1902. He married Rosa Aycock, a laundress, and the couple had at least five children: Percy, Eva Lee, Anna C., and Homer Jr., Christine. He worked as an “Interior house Dectorator” in 1930 and 1940. In those same years, the family rented at home at 183 Lyndon Avenue. According to the 1949 City Directory, he still lived at 183 Lyndon Avenue. He died from unknown causes on November 16, 1960.
Jackson Sallie Female African American Free Farmer December 31, 1924 23 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Lay Hattie Female African American Free December 31, 1899 December 31, 1965 65 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Hattie Christopher Lay was born on October 4, 1900 and died from unknown causes on May 3, 1966.
Snelson A. Unknown African American Free December 31, 1896 December 31, 1899 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked A. O'Luwole Snelson was born on July 29, 1897 and died from unknown causes on March 1, 1900. This child was 2 years and 8 months old at the time of death.
Crane Thomas Male African American Free Gardener December 31, 1867 December 31, 1924 57 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Johnson James Male African American Free December 31, 1971 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, James Johnson, who resided at 151 Lyndon Avenue, died from unknown causes in October 1972. He was married to Ethel Johnson and they had at least one child, Blanche Johnson Jones. The funeral was handled by Hurley’s Funeral Home. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Brown Anderson Male African American Free Barber December 31, 1868 December 31, 1938 70 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Anderson S. Brown was born in 1869. In 1900, he was widowed and worked as a post office clerk. He remarried before 1910; he and Mamie E. Brown at had least three children: Hamilton, Fedrick, and Julius. They were active in the Odd Fellows and, during a 1915 convention, she “welcomed the visitors to the colored households of Athens.” He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias. He worked as a “Special Deputy” for the “City Odd Teller” in 1910 and aa barber in 1920 and 1930. In 1910, 1920, and 1930, the family lived at 987 Reese Street. He died from unknown causes in 1939. She remained in the house after his death.
McGinthey Gussie Female African American Free December 31, 1963 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to her obituary, Gussie Mae McGinthey, who resided in Atlanta, Georgia, died in May 1964. She was the daughter of Leila Mae McGinthey and Harmon McGinthey. She was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; her grave may be unmarked.
McCree Guy Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1883 December 31, 1950 66 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Guy W. McCree was born on October 10, 1884. He was arrested for gambling in 1914. According to the 1940 Census, he had been married but lived with a boarder at 143 Fourth Street. He worked as a laborer in 1940. According to the 1949 City Directory, he lived at 923 Water Street. He died from unknown causes on October 3, 1951.
Walker [??] Female African American Free Child December 31, 1924 December 31, 1924 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Carrington Sarah Female African American Free Housewife December 31, 1883 December 31, 1931 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Eliza and Mayor Saggors, Sarah L. Carrington was born on March 23, 1884 in Georgia. She married Chas H. Carrington, a railroad shop laborer, and the couple lived in Birmingham, Alabama. She died from unknown causes on January 8,1932. Her body was returned to Athens and interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery on January 11, 1932. She was only 48 years old at the time of her death.
Johnson Will Male African American Free Laborer December 31, 1907 December 31, 1935 28 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Alice Johnson and N. Derricotte, Will Henry Johnson was born on September 10, 1936. He died from “labor pneumonia” and “pleural effusion” on May 21, 1936. He was living in Atlanta, Georgia at the time of his death.
Reid Laura Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1866 December 31, 1928 63 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The daughter of Alfred Richardson, Laura E. Reid was born around 1867. On October 5, 1884, she married Lorenzo W. Reid, a barber, and the couple had at least ten children: Beulah, L. W., Charlie, Addie, Fannie, Louisa, Ruth, Etta, Mattiline, and Laura Ella. In 1900, the family lived at 431 Bridge Street and she did not work outside the home. She worked as a laundress in 1910. In 1897, her husband worked as a barber and lived at 431 Bridge Street. At 63 years old, she died bronchial pneumonia on December 29, 1929.
Patterson Nellie Female African American Free December 31, 1922 0 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Mullins Henry Male African American Free Cook December 31, 1869 December 31, 1930 61 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Henry A. Mullins was born around 1870. He married Georgia Mullins and the couple had at least four children: Owen, Samson, Lumpkins, and Mary. In 1910, he worked as a city cook and owned a house at 236 S Collins Street. He died from unknown causes in 1931.
Jerby Minor Male African American Free Farmer December 31, 1918 49 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Hawkins Lucy Female African American Free Homemaker December 31, 1871 December 31, 1921 50 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Lucy M. Hawkins was born in October 1872. She married David Hawkins, a plasterer, in 1886 and the couple had three children: Peter, Lurean, and Harry. According to the July 21, 1899 edition of The Weekly Banner, she “was . . . called before the mayor. She was changed with scrapping and general disorderly conduct. Not being able to prove her innocence she was fined $2.90.” In 1900, she lived with her husband and children at 732 Oconee Street. According to the 1921 City Directory, she lived at 924 Oconee Street. She died from unknown causes in 1922.
Lee Henry Male African American Free Farm Laborer December 31, 1878 December 31, 1934 56 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Ella and John Menifee, Henry L. Lee was born on March 14, 1879. He married Maggie Lee around 1900 and the couple rented a home in Oconee County in 1910. He worked as farm laborer. In 1930, he lived at 45 Rocky Branch Road in Oconee County. He died from unknown causes on December 15, 1935.
Smith Lizzie Female African American Free Housework December 31, 1922 48 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
Brown Alice Female African American Free December 31, 1910 December 31, 1912 2 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Alice E. Brown was born on 1911 and died on 1913.
Hurley Langston Male African American Free December 31, 1884 December 31, 1904 20 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Langston Hurley was born on March 9, 1885 and, at 20 years old, he died from unknown causes on November 5, 1905. According to his will, he bequeathed his possessions to Lizzie Hamilton, his mother.
Nesbitt Charlie Male African American Free December 31, 1889 December 31, 1889 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Charlie Nesbitt was born on January 8, 1890. At 9 months old, he died from unknown causes on October 22, 1890. He was most likely the infant of Ella and John Nesbit, who lived at 310 Pearl Street.
McGinthy Harmon Male African American Free December 31, 1956 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked According to his obituary, Harmon McGinthey, who resided in Madison, Georgia, died from unknown causes in April 1957. He was the husband of Leila Mae McGinthey and the father of Gussie Mae McGinthey. He was interred in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery; his grave may be unmarked.
Geter Otis Male African American Free Unemployed December 31, 1899 December 31, 1967 67 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked The son of Ida and Dink Geter, Otis Geter (or Jeter) was born around 1900. As a child, he attended school and lived on Fourth Street with his parents. He married Alice Brown on May 17, 1937. At the time of the Second World War, he was unemployed and living at 630 Madison Avenue. On February 12, 1959, he was arrested for liquor possession and spent twelve months in jail. He died from unknown causes on May 6, 1969.
Mack Mollie Female African American Free Domestic December 31, 1925 40 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Unmarked Data collected from death certificate.
McCree Nettie Female African American Free Laundress December 31, 1864 December 31, 1939 75 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked Nettie McCree was born around 1865. She married Ed McCree, a city street laborer, and the couple had at least one child: Maggie. In 1910, she worked as a laundress and rented a home at Green Street. According to the 1938 City Directory, the coupled lived at 543 Reese Street. At 75 years old, she died from unknown causes on May 7, 1940.
Clark Minnie Female African American Free December 31, 1889 December 31, 1932 43 Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Marked According to her tombstone, Minnie Lee Clark was born around 1890 and died in November 1933. She was only 43years old at the time of her death.

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
  • 706-542-2455

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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