Hudson, Carrie
Name: Hudson, Carrie
Address: 258 Lyndon Avenue
Age: 75
Written by: Mrs. Sadie B. Hornsby (Athens)
Edited by: Mrs. Sarah H. Hall (Athens), Lelia Harris (Athens), and John N. Booth (District Supervisor Federal Writers' Proj. Residencies 6 & 7 Augusta, Georgia)
Citation: Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 4, Part 2, Garey-Jones (1936), Library of Congress, Manuscript/Mixed Material.
Carrie was asked to relate her memories of childhood days on the old plantation.
"I'se done most forgot 'bout dem days," she replied, "but if you ax me some questions hit
mought come back to me. Hit's such a fur way back dat I don't never think 'bout dem
times no more." After a few reminders, the old Negress began eagerly volunteering her
"Slave traders fotched my Pa, he was Phil Rucker, f'um Richmond, Virginny, and
sold him to Marse Joe Squire Rucker. Ma, she was Frances Rucker, was borned on Marse
Joe's place nigh Ruckersville, up in Elbert County, and all 10 of us chilluns was born on
dat plantation too. Hester Ann, Loke Ann, Elizabeth, Mary, Minnie Bright, Dawson,
Ant'ony, Squire and Philip was my sisters and brothers. Grandma Bessie done de cookin'
at de big house. Grandpa Ant'ony had done died long 'fore I got big enough to know
nothin' 'bout him.
"Miss, chilluns what was knee high to a duck had to wuk. 'Til dey was big and
strong enough for field wuk, little Niggers done all sorts of piddlin' jobs. Dey toted water
to de big house and to de hands in de fields, fotched in chips and wood, and watched de
cows. Me? I nussed most of de time. If dere was any money give out for slaves' wuk de
grown folkses got it all, for I never seed none and I never heared 'bout no Niggers gittin'
none in slavery times.
"Us lived in log cabins scattered 'round de plantation. De biggest of 'em had two
rooms and evvy cabin had a chimbly made out of sticks and red mud. Most of de chillun
slept on pallets on de floor, but I slept wid my Pa and Ma 'cause I was so pettish. Most of
de beds was made out of poles, dis a-way: Dey bored two holes in de wall, wide apart as
dey wanted de bed, and in dese holes dey stuck one end of de poles what was de side
pieces. Dey sharpened de ends of two more poles and driv' 'em in de floor for de foot
pieces and fastened de side pieces to 'em. Planks was put acrost dis frame to hold a coarse
cloth tick filled wid wheat straw. Ma had a ruffle, what was called a foot bouncer, 'round
de foot of her bed. Beds up at de big house was a sight to see. Dey had high posties and
curtains over de top and 'round de bottom of deir beds. Dem beds at de big house was so
high dey had steps to walk up so dey could git in 'em. Oh, dey was pretty, all kivvered
over wid bob' net to keep flies and skeeters off de white folkses whilst dey slept!
"Warn't nothin' short 'bout de eats. Our white folkses b'lieved in good eatin's. Dey
give us bread and meat wid all de cabbage, colla'd and turnip greens us wanted, and us
had 'matoes, 'tatoes, chickens and ducks. Yessum, and dere allus was plenty 'possums and
rabbits cooked 'bout lak dey is now, only dere warn't no stoves in dem days. Pots for
biling swung on racks dey called cranes, over de coals in big open fireplaces. Baking was
done in ovens and skillets. Dere was allus lots of fishes in season, but I didn't do none of
de fishin', 'cause I was too skeered of de water when I was a chap.
"All de cloth for our clothes was wove in de loom room up at de big house. Little
gal's dresses was made just lak deir Ma's, wid full skirts gathered on to plain, close fittin'
waisties. Little boys just wore shirts. Didn't no chillun wear but one piece of clothes in
summer. Winter time us wore de same only dey give us a warm underskirt, and rough red
brogan shoes. Didn't no Niggers wear shoes in warm weather durin' slavery times.
"Marse Joe Squire Rucker was de fust Marster of our plantation. Atter him and
Miss Peggy done died, his son, Marse Elbert Rucker tuk up where his Pa left off. I can't
call to mind nothin' 'bout Marse Jos and Miss Peggy 'cept what old folkses told me long
atter dey done died, but I does 'member Marse Elbert and Miss Sallie and dey was just as
good to us as dey could be. De onliest ones of dier chilluns I ricollects now is Miss
Bessie, Miss Cora and Marsters Joe, Guy, Marion and Early. Dey all lived in a big fine
house sot back f'um de road a piece.
"Marse Elbert's overseer was a Mr. Alderman. He got de slaves up early in de
mornin' and it was black night 'fore he fotched 'em in. Marse Elbert didn't 'low nobody to
lay hands on his Niggers but his own self. If any whuppin' had to be done, he done it.
"My brother, Squire, was de carriage driver and he was all time a-drivin' our
white folkses to Ruckersville, and sometimes he driv' 'em far as Anderson, South Callina.
"To tell de truth, Missy, I don't know how many acres was in dat big old
plantation. Dere just ain't no tellin'. Niggers was scattered over dat great big place lak
flies. When dey come in f'um de fields at night, dem slaves was glad to just go to sleep
and rest.
"Dey didn't do no field wuk atter dinner on Saddays. De 'omans washed, ironed
and cleaned up deir cabins, while de mens piddled 'roun' and got de tools and harness and
things lak dat ready for de next week's wuk.
"I heared 'em say dere was a jail at Ruckersville, but so far as I knows dere warn't
no slaves ever put in jail. Niggers didn't have no chance to git in devilment, 'cause de
overseers and patterollers kep' close atter 'em all de time, and slaves what stepped aside
allus got a whuppin'. Dere warn't no time for to larn readin' and writin' on Marse Elbert's
plantation. Dem slaves knowed what a Bible was but dey sho' couldn't read de fust line.
Us went to white folkses church on Sundays, and while I never tuk in none of dem songs
us sung, I sho'ly do ricollect moughty well how de Reverend Duncan would come down
on dat preachin'.
"Lordy, Miss! Dere you is a-axing me 'bout folkses dyin', and I'se nigh dead
myself! Brother 'lisha done prophesied you was a-comin' here for to write a jedgment,
and hit makes me feel right creepy. Anyhow I seed a heaps of folkses died out and git put
in dem home-made coffins what was black as sin. I sho' is glad dey done changed de
color of coffins. I 'members how us used to holler and cry when dey come to de part of de
fun'ral whar dey sung: 'Hark F'um De Tomb, A Doleful Sound.'
"Dere was a heap of baptizin's dem days and I went to most all of 'em, but I sho'
warn't baptized 'til long atter I got grown, 'cause I was so skeered of de water. I kin see
dem folkses now, a marchin' down to de crick, back of de church, and all de can-i-dates
dressed in de whites' white clothes, what was de style den. Evvybody jined in de singin',
and de words was lak dis:
'Marchin' for de water
For to be baptized.
De Lord done lit de candle
On de other side
For to see his chilluns
When dey gits baptized.'
"Niggers on Marse Elbert's place never knowed nothin' 'bout. no North; if dey did
dey wouldn't tell it to chilluns little as I was den. Dere was some sort of uprisin' a good
piece f'um Ruckersville, but I can't tell you 'bout it 'cause I just heared de old folkses do a
little talkin', what warn't enough to larn de whole tale. Chillun back dar didn't jine in de
old folkses business lak dey does now.
"Sadday nights de young folkses picked de banjo, danced and cut de buck 'til long
atter midnight, but Christmas times was when chilluns had deir bestes' good times. Marse
Elbert 'ranged to have hog killin' close enough to Christmas so dere would be plenty of
fresh meat, and dere was heaps of good chickens, tukkeys, cake, candies, and just
evvything good. Endurin' de Christmas, slaves visited 'roun' f'um house to house, but
New Year's Day was wuk time again, and dere was allus plenty to do on dat plantation.
Most all de Niggers loved to go to dem cornshuckin's, 'cause atter de corn was all
shucked dey give 'em big suppers and let 'em dance. De cotton pickin's was on nights
when de moon was extra bright 'cause dey couldn't do much lightin' up a big cotton field
wid torches lak dey did de places where dey had de cornshuckin's. Atter cornshuckin's,
dey mought be dancin' by de light of torches, but us danced in de moonlight when de cotton was picked
and de prize done been give out to de slave what picked de most. Logrollin's was de most
fun of all. De men and 'omans would roll dem logs and sing and dey give 'em plenty of
good eats, and whiskey by de kegs, at logrollin's. De Marsters, dey planned de
cornshuckin's, and cotton pickin's, and logrollin's and pervided de eats and liquor, but de
quiltin' parties b'longed to de slaves. Dey 'ranged 'em deir own selfs and done deir own
'vitin' and fixed up deir own eats, but most of de Marsters would let 'em have a little
somepin' extra lak brown sugar or 'lasses and some liquor. De quiltin's was in de cabins,
and dey allus had 'em in winter when dere warn't no field wuk. Dey would quilt a while
and stop to eat apple pies, peach pies, and other good things and drink a little liquor.
"Us had to tote water and nuss chillun 'stid of playin' no games. Us didn't know
nothin' 'bout ghosties, hants, and sich lak. Our white folkses would whup a Nigger for
skeerin' us chillun quick as anything. Dey didn't 'low none of dat. De onliest ghost I'se
ever seed was just t'other day. I seed somebody pass my door. I hollered out: 'Who dat?'
Dey didn't say nothin'. Brother 'Lisha here said it was a sperrit passin' by. He must be
right, cause whoever it was, dey didn't say nothin' 'tall.
"Marse Elbert and Miss Sallie was sho' moughty good when deir Niggers tuk sick.
Castor oil and turpentine was what dey give 'em most of de time. Horehound tea was for
colds, and elderberry tea was to help babies teethe easier. Yessum, us wore beads, but
dey was just to look pretty.
"All I knows 'bout how come us was sot free is dat folkses said Mr. Jefferson
Davis and Mr. Abraham Lincoln got to fightin' 'bout us, and Mr. Lincoln's side got de
best of Mr. Davis' side in de quarrel. De day dey told us dat us was free dere was a white
man named Mr. Bruce, what axed: 'What you say?' Dey told him 'gain dat all de Niggers
was free. He bent hisself over, and never did straighten his body no more. When he died,
he was still all bent over. Mr. Bruce done dis to sho' de world how he hated to give his
Niggers up atter dey done been sot free.
"When dem Yankees come thoo' dey stole evvything dey could take off wid 'em.
Dey tuk Sue, my brother's nice hoss, and left him a old poor bag-of-bones hoss. Us stayed
on wid our white folkses a long time atter de War.
"Edwin Jones was my fust husband and I wore a pretty dove colored dress at our
weddin'. Jenny Ann was our onliest child. All but one of our eight grandchillun is all
livin' now, and I'se got 24 great grandchillun. Atter Edwin died, I married dis here
Charlie Hudson what I'se livin' wid now. Us didn't have no big weddin' and tain't long
since us got married. Me and Charlie ain't got no chillun.
"I jined de church 'cause I got 'ligion and I knows de good Lord done forgive my
sins. Evvybody ought to git 'ligion and hold it and jine de church.
"De way us is a havin' to live now is pretty bad 'cause us is both to old to wuk.
Don't give me dem slavery days no more 'cause I would have to wuk anyhow if I was a
slave again! Us couldn't set 'roun' and smoke our pipes and do as us please. I'd ruther
have it lak it is now.
"I can't 'member no more to tell you, but I sho' has 'joyed dis talk. Yessum, dem
days was a fur piece back."
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